François Alu named star dancer of the Paris Opera, the ultimate rank

Finally the coronation. Francois Alu was appointed, at age 28, Star Dancer du Ballet de the Paris Opera on Saturday April 23, following the performance of La Bayadère by Rudolf Nureyev, twelve years after he joined the institution. His appointment was expected. Many regulars had gone to the Opéra Bastille on Wednesday April 20, hoping … Read more

He accused her of “igniting a civil war” .. The issue of “banning the veil” raises a heated debate between Macron and Le Pen

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – The issue of the “hijab ban” has sparked a heated debate between the French presidential candidates, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, during a debate between the two parties to win public support. Le Pen said of the headscarf: “I think the head covering is a dress imposed by … Read more

the crazy numbers of “Nostalgia”

The rapper is needed for real. Not easy to confirm the expectations placed on us when we sign at 92i, especially when you know the pressure there can be when you join the Duczer camp. But Green Montana is doing well, very well. After the good reception of “Alaska” in 2020, we were waiting for … Read more

After speaking about him in Paris .. Judge Ghada Aoun apologizes: ‘The fear is right here!’

Judge Ghada Aoun addressed “all those who misunderstood her” when she said that one of the judges had “feared and stepped aside”, noting that Judge Francis was one of the most honorable and best of the judges, and addressed him with an apology. In a tweet to her on Twitter, Aoun said: “To all those … Read more

It is revealed that Paris no longer regards Neymar as a non-sale product and will release him if the price is right – yqqlm

Original title: It is revealed that Paris no longer regards Neymar as not for sale, and if the price is suitable, it will be released On April 6, Beijing time, according to foreign media reports, the French giants Paris Saint-Germain no longer regard Neymar as a non-sale product for the team. The Qatari side no … Read more

Messi is followed by Ramos! Who is next to be booed by Paris fans? _boos_home_game

Original title: Messi is followed by Ramos! Who is next to be booed by Paris fans? After being eliminated by Real Madrid in the Champions League, the Paris players, led by Messi and Neymar, were ruthlessly booed by their own fans in the following league home games. In the early hours of this morning, although … Read more

Times: London advises Kiev not to conclude any agreements with Moscow

The UK authorities are taking a tougher stance than the US, France and Germany on the negotiations between Moscow and Kiev, recommending that the Ukrainian authorities not conclude any agreements with the Russian side for the time being. According to The Times newspaper, citing sources in diplomatic circles, London is concerned about the willingness of … Read more

Ronaldinho backs Messi: Who should applaud if you even boo the best in the world – yqqlm

Original title: Ronaldinho supports Messi: Who should applaud if even the best in the world booed Ronaldinho and Messi are a pair of teachers and friends. Messi has been unhappy in Paris recently, and he has even been booed by his own fans. Ronaldinho is very puzzled by this. “Do I understand the fans booing … Read more