Bridge between Apure and Táchira collapsed after heavy rains

Venezuelan authorities also reported faults on other roads in the country that have restricted traffic. Main photo: X/@rvaraguayan Venezuelan Transport Minister Ramón Velásquez reported on July 5 that heavy rains caused the collapse of the bridge that connects the states of Apure and Táchira. “As a result of the heavy rains that occurred during the … Read more

Friday, July 5th News Roundup

15 opponents detained during the beginning of the electoral campaign were released; Espacio Público denounced 41 violations of freedom of expression in June; rains caused the collapse of a bridge between Apure and Táchira; Inaesin denounced that there were 30 labor conflicts in Venezuela in June On Friday, July 5, the non-governmental organization (NGO) Foro … Read more

Unprecedented Descent: The Virgen de la Montaña’s Crossing of the Southeast Round Bridge and Future Uncertainty

2023-09-04 05:33:30 It was one of the great novelties of the descent of the Virgen de la Montaña in 2022. The patron saint of Cáceres, whose descent to the city had been suppressed in the 2020 and 2021 editions due to the pandemic, crossed the bridge of the Southeast Round, inaugurated in 2021, and the … Read more

In a taco and with fire on the side: they capture minutes of anguish of motorists on Route 5 in La Araucanía | National

About twenty motorists were trapped in the block on Route 5, from south to north, and watched the threatening advance of the flames. Minutes of anguish were experienced by twenty motorists who were traveling along Route 5 from south to north, in the Quino Bridgeat the height of the commune of Victoria, region of La … Read more

Which states will NOT have classes 4 DAYS Grupo Milenio

following enjoying recently the first bridge of 2023education students basic will enjoy for the following various weekends days off thanks to a bridgewhile two states of the country will have two additional days of rest. According to the official calendar of the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) 2022-2023, the next few weeks the students of … Read more