The impressive images left behind by Comet Diablo’s passage through Brazil and Mexico

2024-04-22 20:57:52 The celestial spectacle has captivated millions of people across the southern hemisphere the passage of Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, known as the Devil’s Comet. Since its closest approach to the sun this Sunday, this astronomical phenomenon has produced a unique visual spectacle that has been documented in various regions, including Brazil and Mexico. In the … Read more

Pepe Viyuela leaves a work by Ramón Paso after the complaint of 14 women against the director: “I don’t want to continue”

The actor Pepe Viyuela has decided to abandon ‘Jardiel in love’, the play in which he plays the writer Enrique Jardiel Poncela and directed by Ramón Paso, following the Madrid Provincial Prosecutor’s Office filed a complaint this week once morest the director for alleged sexual crimes that he would have committed once morest several women … Read more

Analyzing Argentina’s Presidential Campaign: Sergio Massa vs. Javier Milei

2023-10-29 09:38:23 Strategy. Riorda says that Milei aims to sharpen the Kichnerism-anti-Kichnerism rift. Photo: diffusion The new president in Argentina will be decided between the Peronist Sergio Massa and the libertarian Javier Miley. The political scientist from that country, Mario Riorda, analyzes the recent electoral campaign and offers some keys to understand what may come … Read more

Unprecedented Descent: The Virgen de la Montaña’s Crossing of the Southeast Round Bridge and Future Uncertainty

2023-09-04 05:33:30 It was one of the great novelties of the descent of the Virgen de la Montaña in 2022. The patron saint of Cáceres, whose descent to the city had been suppressed in the 2020 and 2021 editions due to the pandemic, crossed the bridge of the Southeast Round, inaugurated in 2021, and the … Read more

Celebrity Reactions and Analysis of the PASO 2023 Election Results

2023-08-14 00:57:05 The celebrities were very expectant regarding the results of the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory (PASO) to define who will be the candidates who will compete in the general elections on October 22. After knowing the trends and the first porce, many figures expressed themselves in this regard. One of the first to … Read more

Juan Grabois Reverses Decision and Declares Candidacy for President in UP Unity Formula

2023-06-24 01:36:33 The social leader Juan Grabois he backed down and announced this Friday night that he will not cancel his candidacy for president for the Unión por la Patria (UP). In this way, Grabois will lead to the unity formula of the ruling party that he leads Sergio Massa to compete in a primary … Read more

PASO Primaries: Unveiling the Candidates Competing for the Presidency

2023-06-23 23:35:58 50 days from open, simultaneous and compulsory primaries (PASO)the parties and electoral fronts have until Saturday at midnight to present to the party boards the lists of pre-candidates who will compete in the elections that will take place on August 13, and some names of applicants still remain to be known, especially the … Read more

Peppo Advocates for Electronic Ballot Boxes: Strengthening Democracy and Transparency

2023-06-19 06:33:07 Peppo and Capitanich were once allies, but the PASO that took place in the province this Sunday found them at odds. Within this framework, the current ambassador in Paraguay launched a series of darts once morest the current president in recent days: he was one of the first political leaders of Chaco to … Read more