terrible discoveries of the International Labor Organization (VIDEO)

71% of the world’s working people are exposed to serious health risks associated with climate change, particularly excessive heat, which is responsible for 22.8 million work-related injuries, costing 19,000 lives per year and more than two million disability-adjusted life years. The International Labor Organization (ILO) released new data on Monday showing that the number of … Read more

Solar superstorm could leave the world without internet in 2024

2023-11-14 19:24:00 Scientists are issuing warnings regarding an imminent super tempestuous suns which might result in a true “apocalypse” on the internet for several months. This storm, originating from solar explosions that release coronal mass (CME) towards Earth, has the potential to significantly interfere with our planet’s magnetic field. Researcher Peter Becker, a collaborator on … Read more

Incident of Excessive Radiation from Health Stones: A Look into the Dalian Customs Case

2023-10-23 02:46:48 When tourists from Dalian brought health stones into the country, the radiation exceeded the standard by 1,050 times. (Photo / Reprinted from Sina) Dalian Customs in mainland China said that an alarm sounded when a passenger passed through the radiation monitoring gate. He was carrying a bag of “health stones”, and the radiation … Read more

The words of Déthie Fall after the judge’s decision to cancel Sonko’s removal from the electoral lists

2023-10-13 00:49:27 Reactions are well underway following the decision of the Dakar court judge to cancel the removal of Pastef leader Ousmane Sonko from the electoral lists. Like several opposition politicians, PRP leader Déthie Fall welcomed this court decision. In extenso, his entire statement! → ALSO READ: Mimi Touré speaks out following the cancellation of … Read more

There is also a threat of a ban on the sale of iPhone 12 in the Netherlands due to excessive radiation | Tech

2023-09-13 15:14:54 Door Tim Wijkman-van Aalst 13 sep 2023 om 16:30 Update: 4 minuten geleden The National Digital Infrastructure Service is investigating whether the iPhone 12 emits too much radiation. If that is the case, sales of the device may also be stopped in the Netherlands. There is already a temporary sales ban on the … Read more

Exploring the Vast Mysteries of the Universe: Unveiling the Astonishing Ho’oleilana Bubble

2023-09-08 17:27:48 [Voice of Hope September 8, 2023](Comprehensive report by our reporter Xie Bohu) The universe is vast and mysterious, and there are endless mysteries waiting for people to explore and discover. Recently, astronomers discovered a “big bubble” with a diameter of 1 billion light-years near our Milky Way. It is estimated that the diameter … Read more

Latest News: Japan’s Nuclear Water Discharge Raises Concerns, Leading to Surging Sales of Radiation Detectors Online

2023-09-02 09:06:45 The incident of Japan’s nuclear treatment water discharge into the sea has aroused public attention. On major e-commerce platforms, nuclear radiation detectors have become best-selling models. (Picture / flip from Weibo) The incident of Japan’s nuclear treatment water discharge into the sea has aroused public attention. On major e-commerce platforms, nuclear radiation detectors … Read more