What causes the failure of hybrid cars?

Since last year, electric cars have witnessed a significant and noticeable increase in sales, according to Cars website figures, which raises questions about the reason for the failure of hybrid cars. In 2010, hybrid cars were seen as the technology that would change the world, but electric cars quickly outperformed and captured the lion’s share … Read more

“The finest and most luxurious cars are available to me” • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: The famous “Snapchat”, Abdul Rahman Al-Mutairi, revealed today, Monday, his refusal to present gifts consisting of more than one car provided by the Japanese company Nissan. Al-Mutairi’s speech came in a video clip that he posted on his account in “Snapchat”. In response to those who say, “We are going to want a … Read more

In the video, a specialist reveals a surprise about the difference between the life span of car batteries in the world compared to Saudi Arabia

Al-Marsad newspaper: The car specialist, Majed Al-Sheikhy, revealed the life span of cars, noting that the original batteries have a lifespan of 3 to 5 years in some countries of the world, which is the normal life of the battery. He added, during his speech to the “Al-Rased” program on Al-Ekhbariya channel, that the batteries … Read more

Al-Khudairi warns of a famous oil that causes the deposition of fat in the blood vessels and hardening of the arteries • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Fahad Al-Khudairi, a specialist in research in carcinogens, warned about a famous oil that causes the deposition of fat in the blood vessels and hardening of the arteries. Al-Khudairi said, in a video clip: “All types of olive oil are suitable for frying and cooking, then the rest of the other vegetable … Read more