The European Central Bank decided to keep interest rates as they are

The European Central Bank decides to keep interest rates at zero and announces that it will end asset purchases faster than planned. The European Central Bank building in Frankfurt, western Germany, February 3, 2022 (AFP). The European Central Bank decided to keep interest rates at zero. According to a statement by the European Central Bank … Read more

America calls on Lebanon to investigate “violations” of the banking system

Beirut – The US Treasury Department said, on Wednesday, that a delegation from the ministry urged the Lebanese authorities to conduct investigations into what it described as violations within the Lebanese banking system by members of the political and economic elite. The statement was issued at the end of the delegation’s three-day visit to … Read more

The US Federal Reserve recommends raising interest rates

The head of the US Federal Reserve says he is leaning towards proposing and supporting an interest rate increase, and that he will bring the matter up at the US Federal Reserve meeting this month. Analysts have varied estimates of the rate of interest rate hike US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said in a … Read more

Protects the heart from the “great killer” .. a magic formula of 5 things

Many people ignore simple daily practices that protect their hearts from deadly and merciless diseases, even though they are simple and do not consume much time and effort. Cobizmag says that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in America. According … Read more

Western allies decide to separate Russian banks from SWIFT

Western allies adopted a new package of financial sanctions against Moscow; Because of its military operation in Ukraine, they planned to exclude several Russian banks from the SWIFT platform for global interbank transactions, a vital tool in global finance. Leaders of the Group of Seven leading industrialized nations said on Sunday that the Western allies … Read more

Peskov: Putin did not watch Biden’s speech. He was in a business meeting

Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov says the Kremlin has not seen US President Joe Biden’s speech on Ukraine. Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday that the Kremlin had not followed up on US President Joe Biden’s speech on Ukraine. In a statement to “Sputnik”, Peskov indicated that Russian … Read more

“A list of assassinations and arrests” fuels tension between the United States and Russia

Washington – AFP The United States has warned the United Nations of the existence of a black list drawn up by Moscow that includes Ukrainians, it said, to be liquidated in the event of an invasion, according to an official letter from Washington to the international organization. And the letter addressed to the High Commissioner … Read more