The 4 types of foods that can make you feel depressed (and that you don’t expect)

How many times have we heard that “we are what we eat”?and it is that not only a healthy and balanced diet is the key to being physically healthy, but it also plays a fundamental role in how we can feel and in our state of mind.

This means that, Depending on how we eat and the foods we include in our diet, we can feel more or less encouraged. The reason for this is found in the very components and nutrients of the food.

And it is that, while there are some edibles that make us feel good and can generate serotonin (a neurotransmitter that generates well-being) or dopamine (provides a feeling of relaxation), others they can stop their production and cause us to feel depressed or with a worse state of mind.

[La regla de oro de los nutricionistas para adelgazar comiendo de todo]

Precisely so that you choose what you eat well and so that a bad diet doesn’t mess with your mood. Next, we have selected four types of very common foods in supermarkets and whose components have been linked to depressive states. Take note.

1 – Processed foods

Processed foods are within our reach in all supermarkets, but they are not a type of food that we should abuse. In fact, preservatives and chemicals that are not good for our health are often used in their manufacturing process, especially if they are consumed in excess.

In addition to the fact that, for the most part, they are foods that lack essential nutrients and have a greater number of calories. They increase the risk of suffering from depression and in terms of harmful chemical substances, these can lead to the development of inflammation and cardiovascular diseases.

2 – Foods high in saturated fat

Something similar happens with foods that contain a large proportion of saturated fat, such as those products that are fried. In fact, according to a study from the Montreal University Hospital, foods with a large proportion of these fats favor the development of depressive behaviors.

3 – Artificial sweeteners

According to studies carried out by specialists from the United States, artificial sweeteners cause nervous system depression, because they stop the production of serotonin and dopamine in the body. It is precisely for this reason that they can make us feel anxious or sad.

4 – Dairy products

Despite the fact that dairy products are beneficial to health, especially if fat control is carried out, choosing those that are skimmed or semi-skimmed; the saturated fats that are present in them and especially in some products with a higher percentage of fat such as spreadable cheeses, some desserts or yogurts, they can be related to depressive symptoms, among other things

Best foods to lift your mood

What is the key then to raise our spirits and ensure a diet that provides us with health and well-being? Nothing better than doing daily physical exercise and combining it with a balanced diet and a healthy diet.

In addition, it is important that there is no shortage of foods that stimulate the production of serotonin such as tryptophan (present in bananas, pineapple, avocado, plum…), foods rich in folic acid (peanuts, green leafy vegetables, whole grains…), rich in magnesium (dark chocolate, molluscs, sunflower seeds, chard, almonds…) or in foods rich in Omega-3 (blue fish, shellfish, egg yolks, almonds, walnuts…).

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