The machine tool industry is full of orders, suffering from lack of work, restarting migrant workers to help increase productivity | Anue Juheng – Juheng New Vision

The machinery and machine tool industry is seriously lacking in labor. In the past year, affected by the epidemic, foreign migrant workers have not been able to come to Taiwan. The machine tool industry is full of orders but suffers from lack of labor. The demand for talents in the semiconductor industry is soaring, which has exacerbated the industry’s predicament. With the introduction of the government’s opening up of foreign migrant workers, Shanghai Bank (2049-TW), Global Transmission (4540-TW) and other transmission component factories, since April, they have successively added foreign migrant workers, which will help increase production capacity and increase the momentum of shipments.

The machine tool industry has benefited from the recovery of the economy since last year, and the demand for orders is booming, but it is suffering fromNew Taiwan DollarProblems such as appreciation, lack of labor, rising prices of raw materials, and soaring freight costs are affected, especially the problem of lack of labor is even more serious, resulting in the delay in increasing production capacity.

Due to the limited impact of the epidemic last year, foreign migrant workers could not come to Taiwan, and the machine tool industry was also faced with a shortage of talents due to factors such as low birthrates and career planning choices, and the semiconductor industry was also facing a shortage of talents, absorbing a large number of talents and crowding out the needs of other industries.

Wei Canwen, chairman of the Machinery Association, said bluntly that the government encourages investment back in Taiwan, and the demand for manpower is greater, but Taiwan’s semiconductor industry is too strong, attracting all talents, causing other industries to find talents. The lack of labor is a very serious and common phenomenon, which is already a national security crisis.

At present, the production capacity of Global Transmission continues to be fully loaded. At the end of March, a group of new migrant workers came to Taiwan and began to work in the factory in April. It is expected that foreign migrant workers will be replenished every month before the end of the year, which is expected to make up for the manpower gap of 150-200 people. With new migrant workers pulling up the learning curve, the second half of the year is expected to bring significant benefits to revenue.

Shanghai Bank has also recently started to apply for the recruitment of foreign migrant workers. However, due to the impact of the epidemic-related policies, the cost of introducing foreign migrant workers has increased. However, it is expected that driven by the recruitment of foreign workers, this year’s revenue is expected to continue to move towards the goal of double-digit growth. A new high.

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