The most important functions and roles to form a healthy family.. A consultant psychiatrist explains

Consultant explained Medicine Psychiatry for children and adolescents d. Musa Al Zaaleh that the relationships and interactions between family members; Whether between the spouses or the parents’ relationship With children Daughters, or the relationship of sons and daughters with each other, is an important component of the life of a single family.

He showed that the family has major functions and roles.

The most important functions of the family

The consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist says: Among these functions is the biological function, which is important for both spouses. To satisfy their needs and for the children to provide the important physical needs of food, drink, clothing and housing, and to provide a feeling of love, affection and tenderness, which all family members, old and young, need.

He pointed out that the mental function is one of the jobs that many families overlook, and it includes mental building and providing sons and daughters with thinking skills and developing them, as well as the educational function.

He explained that the family is the most important educational incubator in which sons and daughters receive a good, comprehensive, diverse education and psychological function. A successful and stable family provides its members with a sense of calm, tranquility, happiness and self-confidence.

educational and religious function

Al Zaala also indicated that the educational function and the family have a fundamental role in educating their children, expanding their educational skills, and communicating with their schools in order to complete the desired educational benefit and social function and provide a sense of social belonging.

He added that religious upbringing, in its broad sense, is one of the most important functions that the family must perform with appropriate methods and methods for each age group to achieve the mental health of the family. There are several keys and factors, including psychological, social and religious aspects, and it is important for this comprehensiveness to achieve psychological stability for the individual and the family as a whole.

Dr..  Musa Al Zaala - today

Keys to family mental health

As pointed out by a consultant child psychiatrist,teens To the keys to family mental health, which is a good connection with God, there is no righteousness for souls except with a good connection with God, attachment to Him, and adherence to His law and his righteous approach, and the connection with God is with the righteousness of belief and heart, good trust in Him and certainty in Him.

And he indicated that what achieves family psychological stability is kindness between spouses and between children and their fathers and mothers, and dealing with calmness, tranquility, kind words, and distancing from excessive nervousness, all of which cultivate psychological comfort in the family, in addition to that one of the reasons for family psychological stability is neglecting many slips. Simple, which is one of the honorable wise men.

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