The “Socialist-Forces” alliance… Is it expanding into the Sunni arena?

It was stated in “Central”:

On February 1, the “Progressive Socialist Party” and the “Lebanese Forces Party” announced their alliance in the upcoming parliamentary elections, during a visit by members of the Democratic Gathering, Representatives Akram Chehayeb and Wael Abu Faour, delegated by party leader Walid Jumblatt, to Maarab. After the meeting, Chehayeb confirmed that what they have in common is a “common view to see a homeland to which we belong, where justice, freedom and human dignity prevail, not a platform or arena for others, hence the importance of the upcoming elections soon, which we see as an opportunity as sovereign forces with personalities and national forces for real change, social justice and for sovereignty protecting the constitution and preserving freedoms.”

On February 11, a second meeting was held in Maarab between Geagea and each of the resigned MPs, Marwan Hamadeh and Akram Chehayeb, delegates from Jumblatt, and the meeting focused on the necessity of consolidating the political alliance between the two sides, and completing contacts to complete the regulations in the coming days.

Informed sources confirm to Al Markaziya that meetings are continuing between the two parties to discuss the electoral issue in the mountain, and to confirm coordination and cooperation, but the issue of forming joint lists in Chouf, Aley and Baabda has not yet been resolved, as information indicates the formation of independent lists within the cooperation between the two parties.

In this context, a member of the Democratic Gathering, MP Bilal Abdullah, confirms to Al Markaziya that “what binds us to the forces is not only the elections, but also the reconciliation of the mountain between the late Patriarch Mar Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir and the head of the Progressive Socialist Party Walid Jumblatt, and coexistence and preservation, in addition to Common national sovereign addresses. Therefore, the atmosphere is heading towards an electoral alliance with the forces in the mountain in particular. There are some touches that need some time to be completed in some areas and some candidates.”

In response to a question regarding the alliance in the Chouf, Aley and Baabda, he answers: “When we talk regarding an electoral alliance, this cooperation cannot take place without joint regulations, especially under this electoral system, in order to secure greater electoral quotas to win a greater number of representatives, and this applies to All parties.”

And whether there is a close visit by Jumblatt to Maarab to meet Geagea, Abdullah says: “I confirm that the visits have gone a long way, and the meetings are periodic between delegates from the two parties who deal with the electoral issue, and we coordinate with those concerned with the electoral file in the “forces” at a central level and deal with all matters.”

But… what regarding the Socialist Forces alliance with Sunni leaders and is it realistic, as political circles considered that “following the reluctance of President Saad Hariri and his current from political work and following President Fouad Siniora’s press conference and his saying that the issue of his candidacy is under serious study, it became possible to revive the alliance A sovereign election between the “forces,” the “socialist,” Siniora, and some political forces from civil society. The circles confirm that contacts are continuing, awaiting a signal from abroad following Kuwait’s initiative, especially from Saudi Arabia, which has not given an answer so far, pointing out that officials from the Socialist and Forces, and an eminence close to Siniora will visit Riyadh soon to discuss the awakening of the Sunni electoral situation. On the subject, Abdullah says: “In light of the prevailing general atmosphere, it is natural for there to be a coordinating atmosphere at the level of the Arab national regional arena following Prime Minister Hariri’s seclusion. But with regard to the alliance with the Sunnis, this is not the case. There is a Sunni arena, a large part of which was loyal to the Future Movement. But since the Future Movement is not involved in the electoral process, the environment in which it embraced will produce people, who do not have to be from “the future” but from this environment that resembles us, whether in Iqlim al-Kharroub, Rashaya or Beirut. As for the delegation’s visit to Saudi Arabia, I have no information on the matter.”

Abdullah points out that “the most important thing is that the electoral mechanisms are prepared and that the technical matters are ready, especially in the pens of the departments of souls, and that there is no delay in issuing identity cards, especially in this exceptional atmosphere where employees stop working and work once a week. The same applies to alienation, where spontaneous or deliberate errors must be addressed and corrected in some cases, as happened in 2018.

He concludes: “This is a constitutional entitlement that must take place on time and a station for all political parties, whether in power, traditional parties, or the new revolutionary movement. The political party, whose legitimacy has become doubtful, must renew its legitimacy and show its size, and the new parties in the political arena who consider themselves an alternative to the current authority must prove themselves as well, and we hope that they will enter Parliament and make a change outside the framework of traditional parties.



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