Top Tips to Prevent Weight Gain During Menopause: Eat Right, Sleep Well, and Stay Active

2023-07-14 05:52:00

3 tricks to stop weight gain during menopause

1. Eat a good and healthy breakfast

Many women skip breakfast to quickly regain their normal weight. But THAT can massively promote weight gain during menopause. Then: If we don’t eat anything in the morning or just a muesli bar or coffee containing sugar, that will follow cravings usually after about an hour. On the other hand, if you treat your body to a healthy and filling breakfast, this not only gives you energy, but can also help you lose weight in the best case scenario. The following foods will protect you from morning cravings and help maintain weight:

Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)cucumberstomatoeseggslow fat yoghurtcottage cheesenuts and seedswhole grainslegumes

Tipp: If you don’t have time in the morning, try meal prepping. For this purpose, breakfast is prepared the evening before. Our recipe for chia pudding with yoghurt and fresh berries is particularly good for this >>

2. Get enough sleep

Did you know? Lack of sleep can actually have a negative impact on weight during menopause! The main reason for weight gain is the “hunger hormone” ghrelin. Too little sleep affects namely exactly the part of the brain that is responsible for the feeling of hunger and satiety. If you sleep badly, it messes up the hormonal balance – the feeling of satiety is disturbed. The consequence? The increased ghrelin levels ensure that we eat more than we would like. If you start having trouble sleeping, it is best to act immediately so as not to make the problem worse.

Tipp: These 5 tricks help immediately with sleep problems >>

3. Movement in everyday life

Exercise is essential to avoid weight gain during menopause. And no, you don’t have to do any extreme sports: swimming, walking, smart hula hooping, yoga or Pilates are perfect for maintaining weight during the menopause. If you can’t get excited about any sport at all, we have the following and very effective tip for you: Consciously integrate movement into your everyday life! That means: walk to the supermarket or hop on your bike, take the stairs and ignore the elevator. Go for short walks, which are also good for your psyche, or do some gardening. Because it also burns a lot of calories.

#Avoiding #Weight #Gain #Menopause #Tricks

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