“Ultimate Guide to Daily Water Intake: Benefits, Recommendations, and Tips – Hossam Al Shaqoury Books”

2023-05-24 22:00:00

Books – Hossam Al Shaqoury

Thursday, May 25, 2023 01:00 AM

It is important to maintain the water balance in the body MoisturizingIt is necessary for good health, as the body consists of about 50 to 60% of water, and there is no general recommendation regarding the amount of water that you should drink each day, instead there are recommendations for daily fluid intake, which can come from water and other drinks and food. According to health.

Some health experts use the general recommendation of 11 cups of fluids per day for women and 15 cups of fluids per day for men. Since food usually gives you about 20% of your daily water needs, about 80% of your fluids per day should come from beverages, such as Plain water, which means that each day, women need to drink about nine cups of fluids and men will need to drink about 13 cups of fluids.

The amount of fluids you need to drink each day can vary from person to person and from day to day, because the amount of fluids you lose through sweat, urination, feces, and breathing can change, and factors such as activity level, weather, and health status can affect the amount of fluids you lose and need. .

The group you probably don’t need to give any water are babies under 6 months of age. If they are getting the recommended amount of breastmilk or infant formula, this alone will probably be enough liquid. When you start giving babies food, you can start by giving them small amounts of water, up to four to eight ounces a day. You can increase the amount of water your child drinks after he turns one year old.

Benefits of drinking water

Your body depends on water to function. Water helps:

Regulating body temperature

Lubrication and cushioning of joints

Tissue protection

Excretion through urination, perspiration and bowel movements

Besides its need for daily function, there are a number of other benefits of drinking water.

Promotes healthy aging

It appears that adults who drink plenty of fluids, such as water, have many better health outcomes than those who do not drink enough fluids. The researchers came to this conclusion after collecting health data from more than 11,000 adults over the course of 30 years. The researchers looked at sodium levels. in people’s blood, which can indicate how much water a person drinks — the higher the levels, the less fluid people take in.

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