Understanding and Preventing Stroke: The Impact of Daily Temperature Difference on Stroke Risk

2023-10-15 09:10:00

[건강이 최고] As daily temperature difference increases by 1 degree, the risk of stroke increases by 2.4%.

Every year, October 29th is ‘World Stroke Day’, designated to raise awareness of stroke. Stroke is a fatal disease that occurs once every five minutes and kills one person every 20 minutes, ranking as the fourth leading cause of death in Korea. Getty Image Bank

The temperature gradually dropped and the daily temperature difference became more than 10 degrees. As the daily temperature difference increases, the risk of a stroke where a cerebral blood vessel becomes blocked (cerebral infarction) or bursts (cerebral hemorrhage) increases. According to a paper published in the international academic journal ‘Stroke Journal’, as the daily temperature difference increases by 1 degree, the risk of stroke increases by 2.4%. If you miss the ‘golden time’ (within 3 hours) when a stroke occurs, you may lose your life or suffer fatal followingeffects.

The number of patients visiting hospitals with stroke increased by 8% over the past five years, from 570,000 in 2017 to 620,000 in 2021 (Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service). Most strokes are cerebral infarctions (87%) caused by blockage of cerebral blood vessels. They occur frequently in people in their 50s or older, but recently, a significant number of strokes are occurring in younger people in their 30s and 40s. Every year, October 29th is ‘World Stroke Day’ designated by the World Stroke Organization.

Provided by the Korean Stroke Association

◇ Occurs at a rate of 1 person every 5 minutes… 4th leading cause of death in Korea

Stroke (腦卒中) is called ‘stroke’ in Oriental medicine, but stroke is the correct term because it is a concept that includes diseases other than stroke. Stroke means to strike. The name was given because the shock is like hitting the head with a thud.

Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in Korea, occurring every five minutes and causing one death every 20 minutes. It is called a ‘silent killer’ because it comes without warning. Fortunately, even if their lives are saved, regarding 40-60% suffer from followingeffects such as speech, gait, and movement disorders, and also suffer from mental problems such as depression.

If a stroke occurs, it is good to know the usual symptoms so that you can respond quickly and receive treatment. There are four main symptoms of stroke. △ unable to smile while saying ‘i’, △ unable to extend both hands forward, weak in only one limb, △ slurred pronunciation or symptoms of aphasia, or △ gaze drawn to one side.

If any of the four symptoms apply, you should immediately call 119 and find a stroke center. If it is difficult to remember detailed symptoms, it is also a good idea to memorize ‘neighbors, hands, feet, and gaze.’

In addition, symptoms such as headache, vomiting, dizziness, abnormal gait, double vision, and difficulty swallowing food or water may appear. In particular, if you have symptoms of a ‘transient ischemic attack’, in which symptoms of a stroke appear temporarily and then improve within a few minutes, there is a high risk that it will lead to a stroke, so do not let your guard down just because the symptoms have disappeared. You should immediately go to the hospital and get tested.

Among stroke patients, the proportion of patients who visit the hospital within 3 hours following symptom onset, which is the golden time, is only around 36% (Korean Stroke Association). Heejun Bae, Chairman of the Korean Stroke Society (Professor of Neurology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital), said, “Stroke is an acute disease whose prognosis (treatment course) changes drastically depending on whether or not it is treated within the golden time.” He added, “As soon as you recognize symptoms, you must call 119 and visit the stroke center. “I do it,” he said.

◇Unblock the blockage, unclog the blockage and treat it

Stroke treatment is ‘opening what is blocked and blocking what is ruptured.’ Cerebral infarction, which is a ‘blockage’, requires unclogged or narrowed blood vessels to be unclogged (widened) within a short period of time. Within 4.5 hours, clogged blood vessels can be unclogged and restored to their original state with a thrombolytic agent, and even following time has passed, antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants can be administered depending on the patient’s condition.

Recently, diagnostic and treatment technologies have developed, and interventional procedures and surgeries are being actively performed. Narrowed blood vessels are widened with balloon dilatation and stent insertion, and depending on the condition, carotid endarterectomy and intracranial intracranial artery anastomosis (ligation) are performed.

Cerebral hemorrhage, which is classified as ‘ruptured’, includes subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by rupture of a cerebral aneurysm, cerebrovascular malformation, and hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage. Brain aneurysm treatment involves clip ligation (surgery) and coil embolization (procedure).

Seong Jae-hoon, professor of neurosurgery at St. Vincent Hospital of the Catholic University of Korea, said, “The success or failure of a stroke depends on how quickly it is treated in the acute phase. In the case of cerebral infarction, treatment must be done within 3 to 6 hours (within 4.5 hours for thrombolysis, and within 6 hours for thrombolysis). ) It can reduce the followingeffects and disabilities of brain damage.”

Stroke can be prevented by improving eating habits and exercising. To prevent high blood pressure, which is the most important risk factor, regular aerobic exercise, controlling stress, and reducing salt intake are necessary. Diabetes and dyslipidemia are on the rise due to Western eating habits and an increase in obesity. We need to reduce our intake of bad carbohydrates, mainly monosaccharides, and avoid animal products and trans fats.

Professor Kim Chi-kyung of the Department of Neurology at Korea University Guro Hospital emphasized, “To prevent stroke, it is important to refrain from salty foods and diets excessively high in animal and trans fats, and to have the habit of exercising appropriately, managing stress, and quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.” .

<뇌졸중을 예방하는 6가지 방법>

1. Recognize the risk factors for stroke such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and dyslipidemia that you suffer from.

2. Be physically active and exercise regularly.

3. Prevent obesity with healthy eating habits.

4. Avoid excessive drinking.

5. Quit smoking.

6. Know the symptoms of stroke risk.

Daeik Kwon Medical reporter dkwon@hankookilbo.com

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