Warning: Frozen Berries May Contain Dangerous Pathogens – Take Precautions!

2023-09-29 14:53:00

Summer is over: To keep the summery fruit flavors, you like to reach for the freezer shelf. But this can have devastating consequences.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) warns once morest frozen fruits – especially frozen strawberries. These can contain pathogens. This is what “NDR” reports.

How the viruses get onto the frozen fruit is unclear. It is probably due to hygiene problems during harvesting, processing or transport. More viruses have been discovered, particularly in strawberries. These can cause hepatitis A diseases.

With hepatitis A, the liver is attacked – this can result in jaundice. This can have fatal consequences for the elderly and immunocompromised as well as pregnant people and small children.

What can you do regarding infected frozen berries? The “NDR” recommends heating the fruits to at least 90 degrees and washing them well before consumption.

#Frozen #berries #hepatitis

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