What are the myths and facts about diets to lose weight? fake news | harmful diets | burns fat | weight loss | healthy eating | physical activity | healthy habits | healthy eating | HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

On the internet there are 138,000,000 results when you search Diets to lose weight, but much of this information is not real. It is made by food ‘gurus’ who, without scientific foundation, indicate what to eat and what to avoid; exercise routines that you must perform, being, many of its recommendations, harmful to health. most of myths about diets is a piece of advice that becomes popular despite its lack of support. When it comes to weight loss, many popular beliefs are myths and others are only partially true.

The desire to achieve the dream body is not achieved overnight, it is a process that takes time. Sometimes, the obsession with losing kilos in a matter of days or weeks can lead us to adopt unhealthy habits that are not supported by specialists. Eat a healthy and balanced diet, make physical activity and sleep your corresponding hours, will always be the keys to losing weight. Yes, despite this, you do not get what is proposed, it is necessary to go to a specialist to evaluate you and tell you the correct way to lose weight according to your body.

“Making long-term changes and modifying our lifestyle is the ideal way to combat extra kilos because it leads to permanent weight loss”, said Dr. Lucy Chambers, a nutrition specialist at the British Nutrition Foundation. In addition, she added that the best thing will always be to trust the process. “It is more effective to make gradual changes that we can stick with over a long period of time. Ideally, the body should lose between 0.5 and 1 kg per week”he commented.

True or false?

Bearing in mind that not everything on the web is real, below we have compiled some of the most frequent myths and truths when dieting. Remember, that what is recommended will always be go to a specialist to evaluate you and having that information, make a diet corresponding to your needs.

Are there foods that burn fat?

It is probably not the first time you hear that there are foods that help eliminate fat, such as cabbage, celery, grapefruit, green tea, hot peppers, but this is not true. According to the British Heart Foundation (BHF), this is not the case. There is no type of food that has special properties and that can burn excess fat in the body. To burn fat you must ingest fewer calories than your body expends.

Is eating at night what makes you fat?

The time at which a particular food is consumed is not what determines weight gain, it is the number of calories you eat. The way you get to gain weight is by consuming more than you should, It doesn’t matter if this happens in the morning, in the afternoon or at night. evening. A study published by the West Virginia University Health Center, in the United States, determined that there is no proof that when you eat late at night you gain weight.

Are there carbohydrates that are bad?

These types of foods are a fundamental component because our bodies need carbohydrates for energy, and particularly for the brain and muscles to function. The UK Department of Health recommended that one third of the food we include in our meal plan should contain starchy carbohydrates. Likewise, this nutrient should be eaten in moderation because in excess it is harmful.

How much more you sweat burns more fat?

This is wrong, since with sweat the body regulates its temperature through the evaporation of sweat, a fluid composed mainly of water (98%) and mineral salts. Therefore, sweating by itself does not eliminate fat, which is what really loses weight. Sweat losses can reduce weight due to dehydration, however, it should be noted that it is not a healthy way to lose weight.

The less fat you eat, the better?

The specialist from the British Nutrition Foundation indicated that contrary to what many may believe, it is recommended that when dieting, 35% of the food that provides energy comes from fat. It is not suggested to follow a diet that is low in fat or that completely eliminates the consumption of fat, unless it is saturated fats that are harmful to the body. It will always be better to consume natural fats, as it helps lower blood cholesterol, which is linked to the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Does skipping meals make the diet more effective?

It isn’t true. The consequences of this measure is that you feel hungrier, which in turn would make you consume more food at your next meal. In fact, according to some studies, there is a connection between obesity and skipping breakfast.

Does not chewing well get fat?

The phenomenon of chewing, in addition to facilitating the digestion of food and its tolerance, influences satiety through different neurohormonal factors. Therefore, if we don’t chew well and eat faster, we probably fill up less easily and eat more food, which can lead to weight gain.

If you are a vegetarian, do you gain less weight?

The fact of following a vegetarian diet does not exempt you from being able to gain weight and it is necessary to carry out a balanced combination of different plant foods to avoid gaining weight. This is due, among other things, to the fact that it is more than possible that we increase the consumption of complex carbohydrates, or that we consume vegetarian foods but with a high concentration of calories.

Do light foods not make you fat?

Light foods are defined because there is a “non-light” reference food with a higher caloric load than them. However, this It does not mean that these foods are not fattening, but at least they have a caloric value 30 percent less than the original food. It is always advisable to review the nutritional labeling of these foods because in some cases the energy content is close to 0, in others they have a high caloric amount but less than that of the reference food.

Can fasting help you lose weight quickly?

Fasting is unhealthy if you go without eating anything for more than 24 hours and then culminate in a huge meal that replaces all the calories you didn’t eat before. This is very harmful. Nutrition specialist, recommend fast for a maximum period of 16 hours and then eat what your body needs. Do not eliminate foods completely, especially without the supervision of a doctor.


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