what happened on march 31

Raúl Alfonsín died on March 31, 2009.

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Raúl Alfonsín died on March 31, 2009.

In the ephemeris of March 31 These events that occurred on a day like today in Argentina and the world stand out:

● 1685. Johann Sebastian Bach Born in Eisenach. He was the greatest German baroque composer and one of the pinnacles of world music. He stood out as an organist and harpsichordist and he was the patriarch of a fruitful family of musicians. His works include the Mass in B Minor, the six suites for solo cello, The Passion according to Saint Matthew, the Variations Goldbergthe four suites for orchestra, the two violin concertos, the concerto for two violins, the Musical Offering, the Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, the six Brandenburg Concertos, the Magnificat, The well-tempered harpsichord, The Art of Fugue and dozens of cantatas. He died in Leipzig in 1750.

1732. In Rohrau, on the outskirts of Vienna, one of the main musicians of the 18th century was born: Franz Joseph Haydn. Mozart’s friend and Beethoven’s teacher, he left 104 symphonies, two cello concertos, the trumpet concerto, the oratorios The creation and The seasonsand the operas Loyalty rewarded, Armida and The soul of the philosopher. Your melody for the song emperor song (“The Emperor’s Song”) became the anthem of Germany. He passed away in Vienna in 1809.

1889. One of the symbols of the City of Light is inaugurated in Paris: the Eiffel tower. Designed by Gustave Eiffel for the Universal Exhibition, it is 357 meters high. It took just over two years to build the iron structure, which caused controversy at the time. Today it attracts regarding seven million tourists per year.

1914. Octavio Paz born in Mexico City. He was one of the most important poets in the Spanish language of the 20th century. His poetic work began with the publication of Sylvester Moon in 1933. Then they would come, among other titles, Parole and Touchstone. As an essayist, he stood out with The Labyrinth of Solitude and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz or the traps of faith. He won the Cervantes Prize in 1981 and, in 1990, the Nobel Prize for Literature. He passed away in 1998.

1933. coup in Uruguay. President Gabriel Terra, who had taken office in 1931 for a four-year term, dissolved Parliament. A dictatorship begins that, among other things, breaks relations with the USSR and the Second Spanish Republic. Terra reforms the Constitution and calls for elections in 1938. His successor, Alfredo Baldomir, will in turn carry out a coup to end Terra’s authoritarian reforms and return to the old Magna Carta of 1918. On the day of Terra’s coup, a shocking fact: former president Baltasar Brum resists the rupture of the constitutional order and, by not adding support, commits suicide.

1948. born Enrique Vila-Matas in Barcelona. The Spanish writer, one of the most prominent in recent decades, is the author of novels such as the vertical journey and Montane’s disease, which earned him the Rómulo Gallegos Prize and the Herralde Prize, respectively. He also published storybooks, among others, children without children and explorers of the abyss. In addition, he is the author of essays, a genre in which he stands out the slowest traveler.

1964. The Brazilian military overthrows João Goulart. The military coup, sponsored by the United States, evicts the president and establishes a dictatorship that will last until 1985. Goulart’s progressive policy, independent of the American dictates in the midst of the Cold War, leads to the coup. General Olímpio Mourão Filho mobilizes his troops on the night of March 31 in Rio de Janeiro. The next day, the right-wing opposition denies its support for Goulart in Congress and proceeds to impeach him. Military pressure led Congress itself to appoint General Humberto Castelo Branco as president, the first of the five military dictators (Artur da Costa e Silva, Emilio Garrastazu Médici, Ernesto Geisel and João Baptista Figueiredo would follow) of the regime that lasted 21 years and is claimed by Jair Bolsonaro.

1995. At the age of 69, the poet Roberto Juarroz dies. He was born in Coronel Dorrego in 1925. He graduated as a librarian at the UBA and studied at the Sorbonne. He worked as a critic in various media, translated among others Antonin Artaud and joined the Academia Argentina de Letras. The heart of his work is constituted by the 14 volumes of upright poetryappeared between 1958 and 1997, the last posthumously.

2009. Raúl Alfonsín dies at the age of 82. The first president of the recovered democracy in 1983 might not overcome lung cancer. His death moves the country and he receives a massive funeral, as has not been seen since the death of Juan Domingo Perón. They watch over him in Congress and is buried in Recoleta. His last public intervention it was with a video, six months before, for a radical act for the 25 years of the electoral victory. Prior to that, on October 1, 2008, had witnessed the discovery of his bust in the Casa Rosada.

In addition, it is the International Day of Transgender Visibility; and in Argentina the National Water Day is celebrated.



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