Why do you often get sick? It was “healthy food” eating wrong! 6 major misunderstandings lead to chronic inflammation, big and small diseases

【Reported by Li Yun】Frequent colds, high blood pressure, easy to gain weight, arthritis, depression, and bowel movements. chronic inflammation”. Chronic inflammation is a health problem that many people have, and “diet” is a major cause of chronic inflammation. In addition to the various junk foods we are familiar with, many “healthy foods” on the market are actually the killers of chronic inflammation!

Why does chronic inflammation happen?

What is Chronic Inflammation? When it comes to inflammation, most people will have a picture of “redness, swelling, heat and pain” in a certain part when they are sick or injured. American immunologist Heather. In his book “Why You Get Sick Easily,” Murd argues that inflammation is actually a necessary response to maintaining good health. When a certain part of the body is injured or invaded by uninvited guests, in order to protect the body, the immune system will gather a large number of it to fight once morest bacteria and viruses. At this time, this part will start to become red, swollen, hot and painful, which is the inflammation we are familiar with reaction.

Normally, following the immune cells kill the bacteria, they die and the body clears the cell’s corpse. However, when the immune system is affected by diet and living habits, there are abnormalities and cannot function normally, and the body cannot clean up the dead cells. These corpses will release more toxins like stinky garbage, and cause inflammation once more reaction. Chronic inflammation develops when the cycle of “inflammation, cell death, poor cleanup, re-inflammation, more cell death, more cleanup” continues.

Heather. Dr. Murd mentioned that chronic inflammation represents an imbalance in the immune system, and at this time, diseases, large and small, are easy to find. If chronic inflammation is to be fully resolved, the source of the inflammation needs to be removed from the body. The source of chronic inflammation is usually related to our diet and living habits.

These “healthy foods” are actually killers of inflammation!

There are many causes of chronic inflammation in the body, Heather. Dr. Murd pointed out that diet, obesity, stress, lack of sleep, etc. can all cause inflammation in the body, and diet is a key factor. “Inflammation often depends on what we decide to put in our mouth.”

He cited that foods that are prone to chronic inflammation include unhealthy fats, trans fats, sugar, and excessive alcohol. However, in addition to many junk foods that are too oily and sweet at first glance, there are many items pretending to be “healthy foods” that may actually cause chronic inflammation! These “fake healthy foods” include:

  • Fruit yogurt: American fitness coach Jeff Cavaliere shared on YouTube that fruit yogurt is the number one “trap food”. Although it looks healthy, its ingredients are mostly corn syrup and sugar. The fruit juice content may only be a little bit, and it may contain Various pigments. If you want to eat fruit yogurt, he recommends buying sugar-free yogurt and adding fresh fruit.

  • Bagels: Nutritionist Zhang Jiarong pointed out on his personal IG that although bagels don’t look greasy, many people regard bagels as a healthy food, but in fact, its ingredients are refined starch and oil. Eating too much can easily cause chronic inflamed.

  • Cereal bars: Many people regard cereal bars as healthy snacks. Nutritionist Zhang Jiarong reminds you to read the nutrition labels before choosing cereal bars. Some cereal bars are actually not low in sugar and calories. Don’t overeat just because they look healthy .

  • Dried fruit and vegetable juice: Nutritionist Zhang Jiarong explained that the large area of ​​fruit juice in contact with the air will accelerate the oxidation and loss of vitamin C, and it is easy to consume too much calories and sugar in one breath when drinking fruit juice; for the seemingly healthy dried fruit, nutritionist Peng Yishan also mentioned that fresh fruit has high water content, but dried fruit that has lost water is “solid sugar”, and its calories may be 6 to 10 times that of fruit.

  • Vegetable oil: Most people think that as long as it is vegetable oil, it is healthier, but Heather. Dr. Murd said that many industrial seed oils are rich in unsaturated fatty acid omega-6, such as soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, grapeseed oil, etc.; however, studies have shown that this substance is extremely unstable, and it is easy to eat too much lead to inflammatory diseases.

  • Low-calorie versions of foods: Jeff Cavaliere mentioned that although many foods have low-calorie versions, people feel less guilty regarding eating them. In fact, the calories of these foods may only be 80% of the original foods, not really low calories; and may contain various food additives.

End point of chronic inflammation is cancer!These signs determine chronic inflammation

If the body is allowed to chronically inflame for a long time without removing the inflammatory factors immediately, it will not only lead to various diseases, but the most serious one may even lead to cancer. Jiang Kunjun, a well-known surgeon, mentioned in the program “Jiang P Medical Affairs” that because the initial symptoms of chronic inflammation are very mild, most people will not notice them until serious diseases such as diabetes, arteriosclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease appear. Knowing that the original body has long been out of condition.

He also mentioned that cancer is the “ultimate disease” of chronic inflammation. During the process of chronic inflammation, cells are repeatedly destroyed and repaired. As long as one of the repair processes goes wrong, cancer cells are likely to form.

If you want to know whether you have chronic inflammation, you can judge through various diseases and signs in your body. Psychiatrist Huang Zhiqun and clinical psychologist Zhang Yunxuan listed several common symptoms of chronic inflammation in the book “Inflammation Generation”:

  • Physical and mental fatigue: Feeling drained, muscles weak, and unable to find ways to regain energy.

  • Inexplicably depressed, anxious, and impatient: often worry regarding insignificant things, lose their temper, have no expectations for the future, and tend to think regarding negative experiences repeatedly.

  • Constipation, diarrhea, throat jam: often have a feeling of throat congestion but can’t find the cause, and have symptoms similar to irritable bowel syndrome such as constipation, diarrhea, or colic.

  • Skin and respiratory symptoms: The skin and respiratory tract are the body’s first line of defense once morest foreign substances. If the internal environment is out of balance, the immune system will easily overreact, leading to rhinitis, asthma, urticaria and other skin and respiratory symptoms.

  • Unexplained pain: Inexplicable headache, shoulder and neck pain, sore limbs, or chest, abdomen, buttock pain, but the cause cannot be found.

  • Frequent colds: Chronic inflammation is the result of immune dysregulation, which reduces the ability to fight infection.

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Further reading:

The original text is quoted from: Why do you often get sick? It was “healthy food” eating wrong! 6 major misunderstandings lead to chronic inflammation, big and small diseases



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