Why there will never be McDonald’s : pan_terra28 — LiveJournal

Because he died.
It seems that the network was “bought”, but this is not certain. Buying 1000 restaurants, more precisely, premises, does not mean creating a network. It’s not regarding the name of the dishes and not the name of the institution. . Someone loved Mac, someone did not, a matter of taste
But the system was good precisely as a system, and this was its strength. Let me explain – these are regulations, centralization, standards, recipes, a thousand subtleties, a system that worked the same everywhere!
In any Mac from Moscow to Khabarovsk, you knew that you would get the same conditional Big Mac.
Someone said that Mac is a sweatshop for people. Yes. But its strength lies in the fact that everything was prescribed, according to the regulations, even with a heavy workload, the employee has everything planned from and to. And not like some cook Vasya now wanted to cook potatoes, and then he didn’t want to. Plus, the management system is transparent. Plus complete respect for the buyer. Dropped coffee? – Here’s a new one! And so in everything.
Some are glad that the “damned Americans” are gone. What will you get in return? A bunch of incomprehensible khinkal, oh yes, NashMakov, what did you want to call it?
Enjoy your meal! That’s what will happen. In one restaurant, the cook Taren will make you a big cutlet for beautiful eyes, and shove sluggish cucumbers for ugly ones. The cleaning lady Masha will clean the toilets not according to the regulations, but when they mess up. Director Anya will be dumb, steal, and cover her own. Saleswoman Luda will approach the checkout with the look “there are many of you, but I am alone!”
Read reviews of any Russian big chain.
At one time, they tried to build Western chains, the same Auchan, Billa, Spar, but as soon as they were transferred to Russian possession, they quickly slid into shit, and now they have even withdrawn their names.
NashDag will be turned into the same.
And one more nuance. Recipe! The original sauce can simply be replaced with Red Price mayonnaise, but … I, as a partial cook in cooking, tried to bake shawarma. The chicken came out in pita bread. There is something you can, but not that!
Why do you buy in one shawarma shop and not in another? Because. No need to explain.
Therefore, no matter how they called Mac, and no matter how they raised him from his knees, he died. And yes, it’s not that I loved Mac, but in case of a snack I always believed him, and not random pies from Ashot.



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