Woman Shouts “Down with the Communist Party!” and “Give Me Back My Homeland!” in Tiananmen Square: The Growing Resistance Against CCP Rule

2023-04-25 14:09:02

A recently popular video shows a woman shouting “Down with the Communist Party!” and “Give me back my homeland!” in Tiananmen Square (screenshot of the video)

[The Epoch Times, April 25, 2023]Under the CCP’s totalitarian rule, the officials forced the people to rebel. A few days ago, a video posted on the Internet showed a woman shouting “Down with the Communist Party!” and “Give me back my homeland!” in Tiananmen Square.

On April 24, a popular video posted by netizens showed a woman breaking through the blockade and shouting angrily in Tiananmen Square—”Down with the Communist Party!” “Give me back my homeland!” Walk.

At present, it is impossible to confirm the time, specific persons and background of the incident.

The woman’s act of righteousness in the video sparked heated discussions among Twitter netizens:

Yishan Yugong: “The strongest voice of the era: Down with the Communist Party!”

Wolfgang: “Admiration, it’s a pity that no one in China is a man.”

William Lee: “What law did she break? There is no political party that cannot be overthrown.”

Chaobaishuyuan: “The peasant uprising at the end of the Ming Dynasty went through nearly 50 years, and Sun Yat-sen’s revolution also lasted 40 years. Every resistance and oppression is for a greater struggle in the future. When the north wind blows, the waves beat the waves.”

Anger came: “If you want to bring down the Communist Party, you must not fight alone, you must act in an organized way.”

HP Yanyong: “Salute to the female warrior!”

wcnmdzy2010: “Eliminate the Communist Party and return my motherland.”

Qian Fanguo: “Tiananmen Square! The political foundation is shaken!”

Xiaomin Peng: “Unscrupulous and perverse actions will eventually arouse resistance. The Gang of Four and its backers are a precedent.”

Ray: “We miss her.”

Jin Luan: “The wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing once more. Desperation and anger are burning in the hearts of more and more people! The raging fire is not far away.”

Under the totalitarian rule of the CCP, incidents of people openly resisting the CCP have emerged in recent years.

After the outbreak of the CCP virus (COVID-19), the CCP’s strict anti-epidemic policy has created countless humanitarian disasters. On October 13, 2022, Peng Lifa, from Northeast China, hung a big slogan with red letters on a white background at the Sitong Bridge in Haidian, Beijing: “Don’t nucleic acid, but food, don’t blockade, freedom, don’t lie, dignity, don’t Cultural Revolution, reform, don’t Leaders want votes, don’t be slaves, be citizens” and “strike to remove dictatorial traitor Xi Jinping”. Cause resonance and vibration at home and abroad.

Peng Lifa’s slogan became the harbinger of the “blank paper revolution” that spread across many cities in China at the end of November.

On the evening of November 24 last year, Urumqi, Xinjiang, was closed due to the epidemic. The gate of a residential area was locked with wire, resulting in the death of at least 10 people in the fire. This triggered the outbreak of “blank paper revolutions” in various parts of China, protesting the CCP’s extreme epidemic prevention measures. During the protest in Shanghai, people chanted the slogan “Xi Jinping, step down, the Communist Party”.

In February of this year, retirees in Wuhan and other places in China protested once morest the reduction of medical insurance and called for “down with the reactionary government”, which was called the “white hair movement”.

Earlier, on March 30, 2020, Zhang Wenbin, a young man from Shandong, released a video in which he publicly called for “the Communist Party to end class” and “Xi Jinping to end class” with his real name. Zhang Wenbin said in the video, “Maybe I won’t be able to see the day when the Communist Party perished with my own eyes, and I don’t know if this video will be seen by everyone. In short, I have been in this world…”

Responsible editor: Ning Feng#

#woman #shouted #Communist #Party #Tiananmen #Square #Peng #Lifa #Paperless #Revolution



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