“You can stop being my husband one day”

After several weeks away from the media focus for being focused on recovering and getting out of the well, Ana Maria Aldon has reappeared this Sunday on television and has done so by premiering as collaborator of ‘It’s already summer’. She has returned more warrior than ever and He has not hesitated to accuse Gloria Camila of leaking the anger what did you have with Jose Ortega Cano. From the most revealing interview of him, the one in Sanlúcar de Barrameda has also spoken regarding his relationship with the right-hander. She has finally made it clear who are going through a crisis and haven’t yet sat down to talk regarding “separation or divorce.” Throughout these months, Ana María Aldón refused to pronounce the word “crisis” when talking regarding her comings and goings with José Ortega Cano. It has been now when she has recognized it and has clarified at what point her marriage is. They have not talked regarding their separation at any time, they have not had time to sit down and talk regarding it. But she is clear: “My husband may one day stop being my husband, but he will never stop being the father of my child.. It is a bond that you have with my son and that is for life. We will continue to swallow frogs for the sake of our son.” The designer admits that they themselves do not know where they are, so it is impossible for others to know the situation. “I have no intention of sitting down and talking. No one is going to mark the time for us, we will mark it ourselves. If one day we have to say something, we will say it. The only thing others can do is speculate. We’ll do what needs to be done. Crisis? Yes and what? What do we do to it?“, he commented.

Ana María Aldón has thrown in the towel

Ana María Aldón has brought out her most warrior side this Sunday and insists on not expecting anything from anyone. She does not want to continue fighting, something that completely collides with what she asked the right-hander weeks ago. “It may be that he has thrown in the towel and does not feel like fighting anymore. Sometimes it’s better to leave. Economically, I don’t need to feel prepared for any divorce,” she says. The television collaborator places the interview with José Ortega Cano on ‘Viva el Verano’ as a turning point for her. She knows that she is no longer the same person and there are things that they did not affect her before and now she does not consent. Ana María Aldón does not want to wait and feels a little disappointed: “The logical thing is that she has a few words for the person who is next to you.” This is not the time to talk to José Ortega Cano because he wants to preserve the well-being of his 9-year-old son.”We do not have to put the child in moments of irritability“. Now, neither confirms nor denies that she is in love with her husband. A few weeks ago she said yes with her mouth open in ‘Viva la vida’.



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