Ž.Pavilionis about the attack on L.Volkov: threats need to be fought, not just talked about

“I think such cases remind us that we should not only talk regarding threats, but also try to fight them very successfully,” he told BNS on Wednesday, referring to the assessment of threats to national security presented by Lithuanian intelligence last week.

In it, the Departments of State Security and the Second Operational Services emphasized the threats posed by the regimes of Russia and Belarus, including to the citizens of these countries living in Lithuania who fled from the regimes.

On the other hand, according to Ž.Pavilionis, the attack that took place on Tuesday evening shows that it is impossible to close oneself off from the Eastern neighbors.

“We don’t have to help (the regimes – BNS) by closing ourselves off from that threat. The threat of the Kremlin will not escape anywhere, it is beyond the border, it is already inside us. Let’s just continue to work consistently until the collapse of that regime,” said the head of URK.

“Sometimes it seems that the slogan “Lithuania – for Lithuanians” is deeply engraved in the brain. In such a case, we write off everyone, other than those who speak Lithuanian, and yet we have to see certain differences, we have to see people like L. Volkovas,” he said.

According to the chairman of the URK, it is no coincidence that L. Volkov, one of the closest comrades of the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who died in prison, was attacked shortly following his funeral.

“I think it’s a mismatch. Russian dissidents say the same thing and L. Volkov said this morning that the goal is to show that resistance to the Kremlin is hopeless,” said Ž. Pavilionis.

“After all, they are trying to say the same thing on the Ukrainian front: do not resist, we will kill, poison and destroy you all. But let’s also remember the words of Pope John Paul II: let’s not be afraid and let’s fight. And, to tell the truth, we will definitely win,” said the member of the Seimas.

L. Volkov was attacked on Tuesday around 10 p.m. near his home in Vilnius, on Žuvedrų Street. As the police reported, unidentified persons beat the 43-year-old man when he arrived in the yard of the house.

According to L. Volkov, the attacker beat him with a meat mallet. His arm was broken, his leg was bruised. The man was taken to the hospital. After providing medical assistance, he is treated on an outpatient basis.

A pre-trial investigation has been launched into a minor health disorder.

A few years ago, when the threat of arrest arose, L. Volkov left Russia and now lives in Lithuania. Previously, he headed A. Navalno’s network of regional headquarters.

On February 16, the Russian Federal Service of Prisons announced that 47-year-old A. Navalnas died in a correctional colony in the Arctic, where he was serving a 19-year prison sentence. Western leaders said that Russian President Vladimir Putin was responsible for this death.

A. Navalnas, the most prominent leader of the Russian opposition, he gained great popularity by criticizing corruption in Russia, opposition members also organized demonstrations once morest unfair elections.

#Ž.Pavilionis #attack #L.Volkov #threats #fought #talked
2024-04-16 11:12:12



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