Julien Yombouno deplores the lack of resources deployed

The first civic sanitation day instituted by the government took place this Saturday, August 6, 2022, notably in the Guinean capital. In the municipality of Matam, members of the government and local elected officials have competed with ardor in the campaign in order to encourage more citizens to take ownership of the process. At the end of the activities, Julien Yombouno, the Minister of Public Service, interviewed by a reporter from Guineematin.com, expressed his satisfaction with the activities carried out, even if the means were not up to the ambitions.

From Boussoura to Coléah, via Madina corniche, the large Madina market and other unsanitary places, nothing has been overlooked by the mayor of the commune of Matam, Ismaël Condé, and his government sponsors.

We noted the presence of Mamoudou Nagnalen Barry (Minister of Agriculture), Julien Yombouno (Minister of Labor and Public Service) and Charlotte Daffé (Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy). Everywhere, Ismaël Condé and his hosts visited the so-called critical areas where citizens were mobilized to rid their neighborhoods of heaps of rubbish and clean out the gutters despite limited means.

At the end of their tour in the commune, the dean of the ministers assigned to the said commune, took stock. For Julien Yombouno, the mobilization of citizens was flawless although they lacked sufficient means.

“We have seen a satisfactory mobilization. The municipality has been able to massively mobilize the citizens, not as we wish. But nevertheless, they were able to mobilize a lot of people who were able to do what they might because there is no means. We know that they prepared, but unfortunately the essential means to do this work were not there. The trucks were insufficient, even the basic materials: wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes and others. Imagine that for each square, it’s a wheelbarrow and some two shovels. what can it do? Not much. These citizens of the commune therefore proceeded to the collection, they made heaps of rubbish, unfortunately we cannot remove it. Nevertheless, there are three critical points and that, there is nothing to do, we are going to work twice as hard so that the piles of garbage brought to the level of these three critical points, in particular at Coléah Imprimerie, Madina and others can be removed as soon as possible by tomorrow at the latest,” said Mr. Yombouno.

Julien Yombouno, Minister of Labor and Public Service

In addition, the Minister indicated that the government will adapt its strategy to the plan already existing in the municipality of Matam. “They have a sanitation plan for their municipality. This plan, they are going to share it with us, we are going to update it because they say that it has existed for three years, we are going to support them as members of the government designated for this municipality. We will be with them. They are the ones who know their community best. So, whatever it takes to make the municipality of Matam clean, we are listening, we are at their disposal. And we asked that all the observations made today, that they put that in a document to make the diagnosis: what worked and what did not work and what is needed for it will work in the months to come”.

In addition, Julien Yombouno congratulated the town hall of Matam before promising to act to achieve the objectives, namely the full involvement of citizens in the process. “I congratulate the members of the municipal council, the citizens who had the time by participating in this exercise on a voluntary basis. And, they can count on us, as we count on them. Our mobilization on the ground as members of the government is a strong signal that we send to each other. We need a big communication campaign to make citizens aware that if they don’t clean, they don’t dirty. We cannot come as members of the government, the general secretaries of the departments and mayors to clean in front of our door while we are sitting, but we are the ones who dirty. Therefore, we ask citizens, beyond all differences, to mobilize to ensure the cleaning and cleanliness of our environment and our homes.

Malick Diakité for Guineematin.com

Such. : 626-66-29-27



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