Boeing delivered the last 747 aircraft, “Queen of the Air” goodbye! – Engadget Chinese version


More than 50 years following its birth, the Boeing 747, which revolutionized the aviation industry, has finally officially retired from the stage of history.Earlier Boeing delivered to Atlas Air Worldwide at their Everett factorylast one 747-8 freighter, thousands of Boeing employees who have participated in the development and manufacture of 747 also gathered together to bid farewell to a generation of “Queen of the Sky”. As early as 2020, Boeing revealed that it would make the 747 “retirement” program, in the past year they only delivered a total of five 747 aircraft. The last 747s delivered by Boeing, including this one ordered by Atlas, will be used to transport cargo for years to come (BloombergIt is estimated that it can fly into the 2050s).

The 747, one of the most famous four-engine wide-body jets in the world, revolutionized aviation when it first debuted by dramatically reducing the cost of flying per seat with double the passenger capacity of other airplanes of its generation The development process of travel. At its peak in the 1990s, Boeing was delivering as many as 70 747s a year. However, as technology evolves, it will inevitably be replaced by newer aircraft following all. Some newer twin-engine models, in particular, save airlines money by using fuel more efficiently when flying the same route.

“This monumental day honors the generations of Boeing employees who brought to life the airplane that ‘made the world smaller’ and revolutionized travel and cargo as the first wide-body aircraft. The aircraft will be It is fitting that the final 747-8 will be delivered to Atlas, the largest operator of the 747, where the Queen of the Air will continue to inspire and drive innovation in air cargo,” Boeing CEO Stan Deal wrote in a statement.



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