Breakthrough Neurostimulation Treatment for OCD and Epilepsy: American Woman’s Remarkable Journey

2023-11-03 03:05:24

American woman washes her hands until they bleed, first success story

Entered 2023.11.03 12:00 Views 76 Entered 2023.11.03 12:00 Modified 2023.11.03 11:13 Views 76

Data photo not related to the article. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]The world’s first patient has emerged who can effectively control seizures caused by epilepsy and compulsive behavior caused by obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) using a stimulator implanted in the brain.

According to foreign media such as the New York Post, Amber Pearson, a 34-year-old American woman, suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder that could not be treated with therapy or medication until four years ago. She washed her hands until they bled, repeatedly checked that her doors were locked, and ate separately from her family for fear that her food might have been contaminated. She suffered from severe epilepsy and even lost consciousness.

In 2019, Dr. Ahmed Raslan, a professor of neurosurgery at the Ohio State University School of Medicine, implanted a responsive neurostimulation system (RNS) device to control Pearson’s seizures. RNS is a new type of implant that actively monitors brain activity and suppresses seizures by delivering small pulses before they begin. Dr. Raslan programmed the device to provide electricity whenever an obsessive thought occurred. A surge of electricity had interrupted such thoughts.

“Before I started RNS treatment, I washed my hands until they bled. “My hands were so dry that when I bent my fingers, the skin on my knuckles would crack,” said Pearson, who began to notice relief from her OCD within a few months of receiving the brain implant. Four years later, she says, “I now rarely have to worry about what’s going on at home while I’m away. “I always notice a decrease in my obsessions and compulsions,” she said.

#Painful #obsessive #compulsive #disorder #cured #brain #implants

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