Córdoba: Work dictated the mandatory conciliation in the teacher conflict

2023-08-29 09:33:47

Writing Profile Córdoba

Hoy 06:33

The provincial labor minister, Omar Sereno, dictated the obligatory conciliation in the conflict between the Province and the Union of Educators of the Province of Córdoba (UEPC) within the framework of the negotiation of the salary guideline for the second semester of 2023.

Serene urged “avoid forceful measures, in order to privilege dialogue and joint negotiation, and in particular in the urgency of taking care of teachers’ salaries, guaranteeing social peace.”


En the context of high inflation that reigns in our country, which erodes the income of education workers, imposes the responsibility of moving forward with quick agreements that allow the level of quality of income to be protected once morest the deteriorating effects of inflation”, added in the resolution.

LThe agreements must be responsible and realistic, always prioritizing a criterion of rationality”, emphasized the head of the labor portfolio.

Teachers’ strike: the salary offer was rejected and there are no classes on Wednesday


The measure governs for a period of 15 business days from 00:00 on Wednesday, August 30.


The Province offered a rise in 20% in August on July wages. The proposal includes, in September, an increase of 7%, compared to the values ​​of August and guarantees from October to January 2024, that wages maintain the same level of increase as annual accumulated inflation.

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