Diver (SPÖ)/ Emmerling (NEOS): State of affairs in terms of red-pink projects

Rot-Pinker government monitor delivers pleasing results for the quarterly evaluation.

Vienna (OTS/SPW-K) Almost two years ago, the government monitor was launched as a red and pink evaluation tool. During this period, the Vienna city government initiated many projects that make life in the metropolis even more attractive. In the meantime, far more than half of the nearly 800 projects planned by the red-pink city government have been implemented or are in the process of being implemented.
“We live in a time of multiple crises. Corona pandemic, Ukraine war, inflation, energy crisis, climate change. These are all crises that are threatening on their own, but together they present us with major challenges. We, the Progress Coalition, are problem solvers. Together we tackle the challenges of our time and offer solutions and support. When dealing with current crises, we continue to work through the projects that we have laid down in the government monitor with full concentration and at the usual high speed. This is how we shape the future of this city step by step and ensure that the Viennese have a good life,” says SPÖ club chairman Josef Taucher.

“Managing crises and shaping the future – true to our motto, we are working through the projects of the Progress Coalition step by step, despite unforeseen hurdles. However, if you look at the number of projects that have already been implemented or are being implemented, it is more like a marathon with a guaranteed best time At the same time, the government monitor reflects the transparent policy of the Progress Coalition, because the status of our projects can be accessed by all Viennese 24/7. With our around 800 objectives, we are making life in the city, in the districts and in the individual districts more attractive.” says NEOS Vienna club chairwoman Bettina Emmerling.

Zwtl: Equal opportunities and energy security
In the past quarter, promising projects were implemented, especially in the area of ​​”Most child- and youth-friendly city”, such as Vienna’s educational opportunities. These are free workshops at Vienna’s general compulsory schools, which will start in the 2023/24 school year. With this innovative approach, children and young people in our city should benefit from additional external offers that promote their development and relieve the schools. These workshops create more equal opportunities – because they are available to all students at Vienna’s general compulsory schools.
“With the Viennese educational opportunities, we enable a very concrete and noticeable improvement in the Viennese schools. The Viennese educational opportunities supplement the regular school operations with an extensive shopping basket, which makes high-quality offers for schools and parents free of charge. From this shopping cart, schools can book individual courses for their students, such as a financial education course, nutrition course, anti-racism course, technical training and many more. The Viennese educational opportunities are a key pillar of the educational offensive in Vienna and ensure real equal opportunities for our children,” emphasizes Bettina Emmerling (NEOS).

However, groundbreaking projects have also been implemented or initiated in other departments, such as the “Get out of gas!” strategy. By 2040, all buildings in Vienna will be heated in a climate-neutral manner using renewable energy and – where necessary – also cooled. Fossil energy carriers in space heating will then be history. For the switch from gas in old buildings, the existing energy space planning is now being further developed into a “Vienna heating plan”, which includes not only the new building but also the existing buildings in the city of Vienna. “As early as the government agreement, the red-pink Viennese progress coalition committed itself to phasing out gas completely – the Vienna climate roadmap and the Smart Climate City framework strategy are showing us the way. The war in Ukraine gives even higher priority to the red-pink government’s exit plans. In addition, Vienna is pursuing the ambitious goal of being climate-neutral by 2040. To do this, we turn the really big screws. The ‘Raus aus Gas’ program is an essential lever for creating the energy transition. In concrete terms, this means that by 2040 all buildings in Vienna should be heated in a climate-neutral manner using renewable energy and – where necessary – also cooled. Fossil energy sources in space heating will then be history,” emphasizes Josef Taucher (SPÖ).

Zwtl: 24/7 service is online and public
The government monitor is available to all Viennese 24/7. All around 800 objectives affect the entire city, districts and districts. All points are color coded. White means that the project is in the pipeline, yellow means that it is being implemented and projects marked in green have already been implemented. All completed projects are provided with a link that the Viennese can use to access content and information.
Website: www.wien.gv.at/regierungsabkommen2020/regierungsmonitor

Questions & contact:

SPÖ Vienna City Hall Club
Gwendolin Melchart
Press and media work
+43 1 4000 81929

NEOS – Club in Vienna City Hall
Marko Knöbl
Spokesman, Head of Communications Deputy
+43 650 405 17 43



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