Effective Solutions for Water Retention: Discover the Benefits of Ash Extracts

2024-03-24 04:00:00

Heavy legs, swelling, orange peel skin, edema… These symptoms are often associated with Water retention. This phenomenon, affecting almost half of women, is caused by excessive accumulation of fluid in the body. If you are a victim, a draining plant is particularly effective in getting rid of waste and toxins. We present it to you.

What is water retention?

About 65% of the human body is made up of water. It plays an essential role in the proper functioning of organs, being regulated by the kidneys which eliminate excess fluid through urine. However, in the event of health problems, this water can accumulate excessively in the body. This is what we call water retention, mainly observed in the lower limbs (knees, calves, ankles, etc.). Without being serious, it causes sensation unpleasant swelling.

Although rarely dangerous, water retention can be very uncomfortable and unsightly. The main causes of its appearance are known. It can be caused by poor venous circulation or a hormonal imbalance (periods, pregnancy, menopause, unsuitable method of contraception, etc.). Our habits also play a role, too much sedentary lifestyleor a bad nutrition (too rich in salt) are aggravating factors.

Solutions against water retention

To eliminate water retention, you must obviously favor a balanced diet, including a sufficient quantity of vegetables and fruits, while limiting your salt consumption. But if that doesn’t turn out to be enough, you can always resort to the benefits of ash. As explained in Here is, ash contains a substance called mannitol. The latter has diuretic properties which promote the increase in urinary secretion, thus facilitating the faster elimination of waste and toxins from the body.

By consuming ash extracts, the body detoxifies more effectively, the functioning of the urinary tract is improved, thus eliminating excess water and toxins. In addition, this plant could have slimming effects thanks to its diuretic and detoxifying properties. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which relieves rheumatic pain. It is also given analgesic properties which reduce pain, particularly joint pain.

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How to consume ash extracts?

Ash can be consumed in various forms, including infusion or in tablets. The recommended dose is 400 mg of dry extract. With a take of a capsule of 200 mg in the morning and another in the evening. For an infusion, use 10 to 20 g of dried leaves in 1 liter of boiling water, to consume throughout the day. Regarding the mother tincture, the dosage is 5 to 15 drops per day outside of meals. The duration of the treatment should be limited to two weeks.

Be careful, however, as an overdose of ash presents health risks. Therefore, pregnant and lactating women should not consume it. And cures cannot replace a healthy diet. Consider tomatoes, asparagus and celery for their draining effects. Nor can they replace good hydration and the regular practice ofphysical activity.

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