Health Network “Helps the gut to keep good bacteria!Doctor: “eat like this” can maintain mucosal integrity – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

The doctor said that carrots are rich in vitamin A, which can maintain the integrity of the intestinal mucosa. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]The gut is the second brain of the human body. As long as we take good care of the gut health, we can maintain human health, but how to increase the good bacteria in the gut? Physicians recommend adequate intake of dietary fiber, vitamins A, D, as well as zinc and Omega-3, which not only play an important role in the development of immune cells, but also maintain the integrity of the intestinal mucosa.

Tai’an Hospital’s colorectal surgeon Huang Yuchun posted on Facebook “Hemorrhoids Sister Huang Yuchun Good Life I Colorectal Anal Surgery Female Doctor Hemorrhoid Surgery“The article pointed out that the total number of bacteria in the gut is more than 10 times the total number of human cells, and the gut microbiome is a very complex ecosystem. The total number of genes in these microorganisms is 100 times more than the total number of genes in the human body. If the bacteria in the gut are classified, they can be roughly divided into probiotics (good bacteria), harmful bacteria (bad bacteria), and opportunistic bacteria. When there are more good bacteria, the gut will be healthier; when there are more bad bacteria, the balance of intestinal bacteria will be relatively unbalanced, and the symptoms of intestinal discomfort will be easily manifested.

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Huang Yuchun said that although in daily life, the brain is like the CPU of a computer, controlling organs and tissues in various parts of the body. However, the gut in the stomach and the brain actually depend on the brain-gut axis to influence each other. Therefore, the balance of gut bacteria will affect brain health and emotional performance. More and more scientists believe that the gut is the body’s 2nd brain.

Huang Yuchun emphasized that gut health can promote brain health, and adequate dietary fiber intake is the first basic step to maintain gut health. In addition, the following 4 nutrients are also shared to help gut health:

●Vitamin A:It can maintain the integrity of the intestinal mucosa and can usually be obtained from carrots, spinach, water spinach, rape, pumpkin, salmon, animal liver, etc.

●Vitamin D:It can regulate intestinal immune function. You can add more salmon, black fungus, eggs, milk, dried mushrooms, etc.

●Mineral Zinc:It plays an important role in the development of immune cells and maintains the integrity of intestinal cells. It can be ingested from oysters, meat, spinach, pumpkin seeds, etc.

●Omega-3:It is very helpful for anti-inflammatory and maintains the balance of intestinal bacteria. You can eat more salmon, milk and dairy products, nuts, soybeans, broccoli, flax seeds, etc.

Huang Yuchun reminded that maintaining gut health is also one of the ways to increase one’s own immunity during the tense period of the epidemic. To reduce the period of dining out, you can order salmon salad, chicken nut salad, etc. to help maintain gastrointestinal health.

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