Help Kim Live His Last Weeks: Support Our Fundraising Campaign

2023-08-28 09:41:00

Debby Slabbaert, 40, is looking for funds. Funds that will allow his companion, Kim De Loore (42), to enjoy his last weeks of life. This site manager from Zomergem, in East Flanders, recently learned that his brain tumor was too strong. He will not win his fight once morest the disease.

It all started in August 2021, when he learned that his endless headaches were caused by an 8 centimeter tumor that had taken place in his brain. Kim was then operated on several times. But the tumor had already affected his optic nerve. Kim has lost sight on the left side.

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Since then, his stage 4 tumor has not given him any gifts. And the future unfortunately looks bleak for the forties. “We asked the doctor if he would reach October, his answer was ‘no'”, explained Debby to our colleagues from Laatste Nieuws.

“Tears for Later”

For several months, Kim’s family has therefore devoted his life to him so that he can realize his last dreams. “He wanted to fly with his son Lewis. He went kayaking, camping, we got married…”, explains Debby. “Tears will be for later, when Kim is gone.”

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Debby hopes, in the coming weeks, to be able to realize as many of the dreams of the man of her life as possible. That’s why she called for donations. Because it takes thousands of euros to enable him to do as many things as possible. “I’ll be honest, over the past couple of years our wallet has emptied. I had never asked for help before, but I have the feeling that people want to help us”.

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More than 3,000 euros have already been collected: “I had promised her that we would have a honeymoon in South Africa. It won’t work out in the end, but I promised him that we would go that far. I will take some of his ashes and scatter them there. And in my heart, he will always be there.

#Kim #fulfill #dreams #leaves

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