How to properly clean your yellowed mattress?

2023-06-01 18:15:42

However, after a certain period of use, our mattress may begin to turn yellow, which can affect its hygiene and our comfort. Here are some simple and effective tips for properly cleaning your yellowed mattress and keeping it clean, in order to maximize your comfort and well-being.

Use natural products

Using natural products is a safer and more economical alternative to cleaning your yellowed mattress. Chemicals can be harmful to your health and to the environment.

Baking soda is an excellent natural mattress cleaner, just sprinkle a generous amount on the surface of the mattress and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming.

white vinegar is also a great natural cleaner, just spray it on the mattress and let it dry.

hydrogen peroxide is also an effective natural product for removing blood and urine stains from the mattress. You can also use essential oils to make your mattress smell nice.

Call a professional

If you’re not sure how to clean your yellowed mattress or don’t have the time to do so, it’s best to call in a professional. Professionals have the necessary equipment and products to effectively clean your mattress and remove all stains and odors. In addition, they can also apply an anti-mite treatment to prevent allergies and improve the air quality in your room. Professionals can also check the general condition of your mattress and advise you on the points to watch out for to prevent your mattress from yellowing too quickly.

Protect your mattress

To prevent your mattress from yellowing quickly, it is important to protect it. Using a mattress protector can help prevent stains and keep the mattress clean and hygienic. It is also recommended to wash the sheets and pillowcases regularly to avoid the accumulation of sweat and body oils on the mattress. In addition to this, it is important to turn and turn your mattress every three months to prevent premature wear and to maintain its shape and comfort. Don’t forget to vacuum your mattress regularly to remove dirt and dust mites.

Invest in a quality mattress

Investing in a quality mattress is also an important step in keeping your mattress clean and hygienic. A quality mattress is designed to last longer and is often made with higher quality materials, which makes it more resistant to stains and odors. Moreover, a quality mattress can also improve the quality of your sleep by providing optimal support for your body. You can also opt for mattresses with antibacterial and anti-mite treatments for optimal cleanliness.

Don’t forget to clean your mattress regularly to prevent it from yellowing and to prolong its life. Investing in a quality mattress and a protective cover can also save you money in the long run by not having to replace your mattress too often.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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