Motorcyclist Dies on the Spot After Hitting a Cement Mixer Truck in Cakung – A motorcyclist with the initials DBAW (17) died on the spot after hitting a cement mixer truck on Jalan Raya Bekasi, Cakung, Jakarta East on Tuesday (14/3) evening.

East Jakarta Head of Satwil Satwil Then Iptu Darwis Yunarta explained that the accident occurred at around 20.35 WIB. When, DBAW was passing by his motorcycle from the south to the north when the weather was raining.

“It hit the rear of the NRKB B-9767-SIN cement mixer truck,” said Darwis in his statement, Wednesday (15/3).

At that time, the cement truck was pulling over to the side of the road due to engine trouble. Arriving in front of a minimarket on Jalan Raya Bekasi, DBAW’s vehicle suddenly rammed into a mixer truck that was parked.

“Drived by brother FR who stopped in the right lane because he was experiencing engine problems,” said Darwis.

As a result of the incident, the victim was knocked down and suffered serious head injuries. Darwis said the victim died at the scene.

“While the condition of the motorbike was damaged on the front, handlebars and main lights,” said Darwis.

As for this accident, Darwis said that his party was still investigating the cause of the accident. By examining witnesses and securing evidence.

“The case is handled by the East Jakarta Metro Police’s Gakkum Satlantas investigators,” he said.


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