Municipal Public Security Bureau’s summer security crackdown has achieved remarkable results

2024-08-14 08:37:33

Municipal Public Security Bureau’s summer security crackdown has achieved remarkable results

Date: 2024-08-14
Views: 75
Source: Fuxin Publicity
Editor in charge: Liu Dongmei

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Summer is a period when the social security situation is relatively complex, and it is also a period of high incidence of various illegal and criminal activities. In order to ensure social stability and tranquility and respond to the people’s concerns and expectations for safety, the Municipal Public Security Bureau launched a summer public security crackdown and rectification operation, launching a thunderous offensive against various illegal crimes and hidden security risks, and making every effort to protect the safety of the people of Fuxin.  All police mobilized to launch “Operation Summer”The Municipal Public Security Bureau regards “Summer Operation” as the top priority of its work, and has successively held party committee meetings, director office meetings, and party committee enlarged meetings to conduct research and deployment and refine work measures. On July 2, the city’s public security organs held a “Summer Operation” mobilization and deployment and “Safety Escort” operation scheduling meeting, officially kicking off the “Summer Operation”. Ban Hao, deputy mayor, party secretary and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech, clearly proposing work requirements. First, keep a close eye on “people and things”, comprehensively investigate potential risks, and ensure that all types of situations are fully understood, so that risks are “bottomed out,” situations are “realized,” and dynamics are “always clear.” Second, focus on “a sense of security.” , clarify the main direction of action, fully unleash the powerful effectiveness of “attack”, highlight the key links of “prevention”, consolidate the responsibility of “management”, and clarify the key points of “control”; thirdly, establish “high standards”, Take this action as an opportunity to assist in the improvement of overall work, continuously enhance social governance capabilities, improve police operation efficiency, and optimize the team’s style and image. Comprehensively advance, win the first battle and win the hearts and minds of the peopleIn order to ensure the effectiveness of the “Summer Operation”, the Municipal Public Security Bureau established a leading group to strengthen the unified leadership and command coordination of the operation, formulate a detailed work plan, and clarify seven aspects and 34 specific work tasks, so that all work can be carried out in a systematic manner. Advance in an orderly manner. In early July, the Municipal Police Department deployed police forces from various police departments to carry out street patrols and prevention and control work simultaneously in conjunction with the summer road traffic safety centralized rectification operations. While vigorously rectifying the behaviors of electric vehicle drivers not wearing helmets and pedestrians crossing the road without following traffic lights, we will increase the intensity of street patrols and prevention and control, maximize the rate of police attendance and management, and effectively improve the people’s sense of security and safety. A sense of gain. At the same time, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Public Security Department, organized various relevant police departments and county and district bureaus to carry out a centralized and unified action for public security inspections and publicity on summer nights by the city’s public security agencies, dispatching a total of 5,384 civilian and auxiliary police officers. 963 vehicles. During the operation, a variety of patrol methods were used to maximize public security prevention, combat illegal crimes, and investigate and rectify risks by hoarding police on the streets, strengthening patrol prevention and control, and conducting surprise inspections of entertainment and leisure venues. A total of 30 inspection and control checkpoints were set up, and 3,896 vehicles and people were interrogated. 3,356 vehicles captured 8 current criminals and 4 fugitives, and investigated and dealt with 26 drug addicts, 26 drunk drivers, and license-related persons. 5 cases of certification problems were detected, 15 cases were cracked down, 1,968 places of various types were inspected, 224 hidden dangers were discovered, 218 hidden dangers were rectified on site, and 1 prohibited gun was confiscated. On this basis, the Municipal Public Security Bureau has set up 10 publicity and prevention points in various counties and districts to enhance people’s safety awareness. Popularize safety prevention knowledge and regulations to the public by producing and broadcasting promotional videos and distributing publicity and prevention materials. This publicity campaign produced and broadcast 10 promotional videos, distributed 4,200 copies of promotional materials, and reached an audience of 4,632 people. It effectively enhanced the public’s awareness of prevention of illegal crimes and greatly enhanced the public’s understanding and support for public security work.  Fighting crime and protecting justice have achieved remarkable resultsThe Taiping Public Security Bureau has fully implemented various prevention, control and construction measures, adheres to the principle of “focusing on cracking down on crimes that are prominent”, and intensifies the crackdown on existing illegal crimes such as provocation, fighting, pornography, gambling and drugs that are prone to occur in summer Strengthen the concentration of superior police forces to quickly detect and solve crimes, and comprehensively squeeze the space for illegal crimes. During the public security rectification period, the Fuxin Mongolian Autonomous County Public Security Bureau successfully eliminated three criminal gangs that robbed ancient cultural relics and concealed criminal proceeds. They arrested 15 people involved, uncovered 10 cases of illegal excavation and reselling of cultural relics, and recovered 54,923 ancient coins. 10 ancient cultural relics were recovered, and more than 410,000 yuan in illegal gains were recovered. At the same time, the police handling the case paid close attention to the stolen goods sold by the criminal suspects, dug into the whereabouts of the cultural relics, recovered the stolen cultural relics, arrested all those involved in the purchase of stolen goods and recovered 229,000 yuan of illegal gains. Overall, our city’s public security organs have cracked 114 criminal cases this year. We are committed to combating telecommunications fraud without mercy. So far, there have been 55 cases of telecommunications fraud in our city, 24 suspects have been punished, and 490,000 yuan of defrauded funds has been returned. Police data issued more than 60,000 anti-fraud warnings, with a 100% response rate, discouraging more than 38,000 people, with a dissuasion amount of 300,000 yuan, 50 door-to-door warnings, and more than 17,000 protective stop payments, avoiding a loss of more than 5.5 million yuan. , successfully blocked 50 cases. In addition, one criminal case of illegal sand mining and two illegal fishing cases were investigated and dealt with.  Strengthen public security and protect people’s safetyThe solid progress of public security prevention and control work has laid a solid foundation for the stability of our city’s social environment. First, the “one standard and three real” implementation was carried out in a solid manner, and the special campaign of “sweeping buildings” was carried out in an orderly manner. 1,266 conflicts and disputes were investigated, 1,303 were dealt with, and 171 were forwarded. The second is to strictly implement public security precautions, with a total of 237 inspections of hazardous explosion units and 519 inspections of various industrial sites. All safety hazards were rectified in a timely manner. The third is to comprehensively carry out patrol prevention and control. The city has invested 10,213 police patrols and 1,907 patrol vehicles, 9,837 interrogators and 6,087 vehicles, captured 1 fugitive, and served the public 115 times. In order to fully improve the effectiveness of “double-rate” control, the Municipal Public Security Bureau will carry out summer traffic safety rectification from June to the end of July and arrange services scientifically. A total of 600 police officers were mobilized from the whole region to be on duty at the same time, distributed at 93 intersections in the city, to carry out centralized rectification work simultaneously. Adopt the method of “education + persuasion + rectification” to prevent e-bike riders from wearing safety helmets, e-bikes not being registered, non-motorized vehicles running red lights, driving in the wrong direction, and not driving in non-motorized lanes, and pedestrians jaywalking, climbing over guardrails, and running red lights. and other traffic violations shall be advised, corrected, warned and punished. Currently, a total of 12,317 people have been counseled. Effectively cracking down on illegal and criminal activities, the summer public security crackdown and rectification campaign achieved initial success, eliminating a number of potential safety hazards, maintaining social security and stability, and winning praise and praise from the broad masses of the people. The Municipal Public Security Bureau will take this “Summer Operation” as an opportunity to persist in combating, treating, preventing, and providing services in parallel, continuously strengthen work measures, eliminate risks, rectify problems, purify the environment, and use tangible results to effectively protect social development. , to actually respond to people’s concerns about security and expectations for a better life.

#Municipal #Public #Security #Bureaus #summer #security #crackdown #achieved #remarkable #results



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