National Health Award recommends not applying the Cuban Abdala vaccine for 5 reasons

Francisco Moreno Sanchezinfectologist and National Health Award 2020, recommended not getting the Cuban Abdala vaccine once morest Covid-19 as reinforcement, for five reasons.

Through social networks, the specialist doctor in Infectology of the ABC Medical Center indicated that “for consistency” the Cuban dose “And neither to my family.”

The 5 reasons of the infectologist

1.- For consistency: A vaccine that is not approved by the Pan American Health Organization does not have the scientific support to recommend it.

2.- For political purposes: “We are no longer at the stage where there were no vaccines, that is over. Now we know that there are better, more up-to-date vaccines and the decision to apply this vaccine was simply made for political purposes. Health, safety and efficacy did not matter in the decision.”

3.- “An experiment with human beings”: “The study was carried out in a population that did not receive informed consent. That is, they were not explained what the study was regarding. This breaks with the basic norms of bioethics. Just like what was done in CDMX with ivermectin”.

4.- “The Abdala vaccine contains aluminum hydroxide as an adjuvant, which is not done for other vaccines once morest Covid-19 since its efficacy decreases.”

5.- “The vaccine originally consisted of 3 doses of intramuscular application and it was not evaluated as a booster and less once morest the new subvariants, which has happened with other vaccines.”

The National Health Award added that the pandemic in Mexico “continues to be managed without scientific support.”




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