Anyone who negotiates with Putin will fail 2024-04-12 06:21:38

“European warhorse”: Jean-Claude Juncker 2019 Image: Visa The “old European warhorse” Jean-Claude Juncker looks at his own mistakes with regard to Putin in an interview. He also talks regarding the historical forgetfulness of younger generations and his kisses with Trump. We are receiving alarming news from Slovakia: a social democrat has been elected president who … Read more

CDU discusses dominant culture at party headquarters 2024-03-19 04:42:38

FRiedrich Merz talks regarding the multicultural society. And regarding tolerance. If you want to be a multicultural country, then above all religious tolerance is necessary, said the CDU chairman on Monday evening at the party headquarters, the Konrad Adenauer House, in Berlin. Pointing to the “C” in the party name, he says that Christian does … Read more

When “cheap” stocks halve again 2024-03-09 17:14:54

Mostly reliable, tasty and practical: cooking box from Hellofresh – but the stock has been weakening since the end of Corona Image: Hannah Aders Drama regarding Hello Fresh and Tesla, hope from the federal government: The Dax remains in record mood. WIf you come too late, you will not only be punished by life, but … Read more

Taxpayer-Funded Styling Expenses: Angela Merkel’s Lavish Makeover Billed to the People

2023-08-08 20:33:58 This bill has been washed… and blow-dried, made up and styled! Despite the end of her term of office, the federal government continues to pay for the styling of former Chancellor Angela Merkel (69, CDU). And not too tight: since the end of her term of office, 55,000 euros have already been collected … Read more

Danish Minister for Foreigners and Migration’s Bold Stance on Refugees: Is Europe Changing Too Fast?

2023-07-25 09:59:13 The Danish Minister for Foreigners and Migration is a social democrat, like Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (53, SPD). But that’s where the similarities end. Because: Kaare Dybvad Bek (38) does not mince his words when it comes to refugees, expressing theses that the top SPD staff would never get off the lips. … Read more

“EU Asylum Law Reform: Plans for Restrictive Policy and Transit Centers at External Borders”

2023-04-28 15:38:22 The EU wants to reform the asylum law – and before the traffic light in Brussels negotiates it, it has initially agreed on a common line. And it has it all: Suddenly the SPD, Greens and FDP are planning a restrictive asylum policy! ▶︎ The core of the plan, the Federal Minister of … Read more