The minimum wage could pass the bar of 1,400 euros net per month on January 1, 2024

2023-11-30 21:07:58 Always good to take despite inflation… The automatic revaluation of the minimum wage in France on January 1, 2024 should be around 1.7%, according to the annual report of a group of experts on the SMIC published Thursday, which recommends that the government refrain from any “nudge”. The net minimum wage for full-time … Read more

Understanding Salary Increases and Indexation in 2023: Important Factors and Implications

2023-10-07 17:44:00 Last year, the planning office predicted this index jump in April 2023, following five consecutive index jumps occurring in 2022 and record inflation… Which led many employees to benefit from an 11% salary increase. last January, while some workers had benefited from increases of 2% over the past year. of videos To know … Read more

“Belgium Night Trains Bill: Federal State to Cover Infrastructure Costs for Operators”

2023-05-25 16:47:06 Led by the Minister of Mobility Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo), the text aims to support the development of night trains departing from or arriving in Belgium. In concrete terms, this bill allows the Federal State to bear the charge for the use of the railway infrastructure as well as the costs of traction energy … Read more

cement, brick and tile costs on the rise, not wood and steel

The period marked by longer delivery times and supply problems, on the other hand, seems to be over. According to an Embuild survey of 341 of its members, eight out of ten contractors expect prices for cement and cement products to rise in the next three months. A third even fear an increase of more … Read more

“Unlike Brussels, we are not saturated, but rather in a classic epidemic situation”

We’ve been talking regarding this for several weeks: cases of bronchiolitis in children are increasing. On the side of the Carolos hospitals, however, we want to be reassuring, recalling that “we have already experienced such epidemics in the past, before the Covid. We are in a year where the figures are higher, without however exploding. … Read more

“The PS will put that on the Codeco table”

Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 10:19 a.m. Par Sudinfo with Belga This Tuesday, Thomas Dermine was the guest of Bel RTL. The Secretary of State spoke regarding the energy crisis, and indicated that the PS would campaign for a net increase in purchasing power of €100. Faced with ever-increasing energy bills, the government’s … Read more

here is what justifies this historic increase

Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 7:45 p.m. Par Sudinfo with Belga In Belgium and elsewhere in Europe, energy prices will reach record highs on Wednesday. Here’s what’s behind this increase. Electricity prices in Belgium are skyrocketing. The price of electricity for delivery tomorrow (Wednesday) thus reached 540.8 euros per MWh on the wholesale … Read more