Indigestion, should not be left unattended… Causes and solutions

Many people complain of indigestion symptoms such as abdominal pain and bloating after eating. What kind of disease is indigestion that is easy to ignore because it is a common symptom? Learn everything about indigestion, from the types of indigestion to how to prevent it. functional dyspepsiaIndigestion is largely divided into functional dyspepsia and organic … Read more

A ketone test that warns diabetic patients [알고 받는 건강검진]

Ketones are a form of acid produced by the liver as fuel when blood sugar levels are too high or too low. Ketones are excreted in the urine, so a urine test and blood test are performed to test for ketones. However, for convenience, the urine ketone test is widely used. To diagnose and monitor … Read more