“He is completely oblivious to the current situation.”

The Front of All has once again been exposed due to the bus driver Daniel Barrientos’ crime in The slaughter. The Minister of Security of the Nation, Hannibal Fernandez, has criticized Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillof for sending gendarmes to the Conurbano. Kicillof demanded the 6,000 gendarmes from the Nation, which Fernandez harshly denied, saying … Read more

Pelé is dying in a serious state of health and there is controversy: he is reaping what he sowed for an illegitimate daughter | soccer trivia

Brazil and the world of football are aware of the delicate state of health of Edson Arantes do Nascimento, Peléwho suffers from aggressive colon cancer and it seems that doctors are only waiting for the last days of the former Brazilian soccer player, considered the best of all time. Interned at the Albert Einstein Hospital, … Read more

Atlético Nacional today: Víctor Aristizabal on the return of Paulo Autuori | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League

Nacional revolutionized the news in Colombian soccer this Monday, with the return of Paulo Autuori as technical director. The reactions of part and part have arisen, because the memory of the first stage of it is present. Despite all the expectations, there are parts that question the Brazilian’s return to the purslane team. One of … Read more