Avian Flu Epidemic Causes Egg Shortage in South Africa: Find Eggs and Bacon Alternatives

2023-10-08 21:37:19 Eggs are disappearing from supermarket shelves in South Africa. The fault lies in an unprecedented avian flu epidemic in chicken farms. More than 5 million laying hens have been culled to prevent the spread of the virus. Vaccination does not exist in South Africa. Neighboring Namibia has suspended the importation of South African … Read more

Organic baskets to protect babies from endocrine disruptors

2023-10-08 10:02:00 The experimentation with green ordinances implemented in Strasbourg to raise awareness among pregnant women about endocrine disruptors could be generalized to all French women. This will also interest you Given the success encountered, the green ordinance system which was only an experiment will be renewed and extended to Strasbourg. Since November 2022, it … Read more

Accelerating Morocco’s Post-Covid Economic Recovery: A New Phase of CRI Reform

2023-10-08 18:25:59 The meeting, which focused on the need to accelerate Morocco’s post-Covid and post-earthquake economic recovery, took place in the presence of the directors general of the 12 CRIs. This meeting marks the start of the new phase of CRI reform, according to Royal directives. The CRIs are now responsible for supervising the entire … Read more

Growing Exports of Moroccan Agri-Food Products to the Spanish Market: Key Trends and Surplus in Favor of Morocco

2023-10-07 13:08:17 Exports of Moroccan agri-food products to the Spanish market continue to grow in value and volume. This trend has maintained a surplus of around 1 billion euros in favor of Morocco in agri-food trade between the two countries over the years. The most recent data from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture for the … Read more

Unlock the Secrets of Marine Collagen: Discover the Ultimate Health Benefits for Skin, Hair, and Joints

2023-10-07 18:00:00 Marine collagen has many health benefits. Anti-aging, it notably offers more firmness and suppleness to the skin for a firming effect. It therefore effectively contributes to the reduction of facial wrinkles while providing good general hydration. Marine collagen also helps limit the loss of skin tone and therefore delays the effects of time. … Read more

The Link Between Erythritol and Cardiovascular Health: Risks, Research, and Recommendations

2023-10-07 08:18:37 Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – A new study has shown that there is a link between a sugar substitute called erythritol, used as a sweetener from the stevia plant or monk fruit and in low-sugar keto diet products, with blood clotting, stroke, heart attacks and death. “The degree of risk was not … Read more

The Powerful Benefits of Grapes: Boost Performance, Enhance Recovery, and Improve Overall Health

2023-10-07 05:00:00 Consumed in the form of juice, it is also a great ally for athletes since its natural sugar content improves recovery after physical exercise. It first compensates for the energy expenditure that the latter required. This drink also fights, thanks to its alkalinity, the acidification of the muscles, a phenomenon which means that … Read more

Boost Your Heart Health with Blackberries, Raspberries, and Passion Fruit: The Ultimate Guide

2023-10-06 05:00:00 A healthy heart needs to be maintained! If physical activity and restorative sleep contribute to good health, diet also has a very important role to play. To fortify it, it is first advisable to give pride of place to blackberries and raspberries. According to the French Federation of Cardiology, these are the fruits … Read more