still too many prejudices and medical errors

2023-10-24 13:15:39 The constraints of this skin disease can be heavy and false ideas persist, shows a survey carried out for the France psoriasis association. It is a skin disease, which like others, can cause real physical and social discomfort in those who suffer from it. The France psoriasis association publishes a study * on … Read more

first steps to regulate a scientific revolution

2023-10-11 07:31:06 In an opinion issued on Wednesday, the French Biomedicine Agency considers that the use of these “embryoid” artificially created for research must be better regulated. They are not human embryos but they are close. Artificially created for the purposes of research, “embryoid” constitute a dazzling scientific revolution which is now pushing certain health … Read more

How the heart begins to beat

2023-10-13 17:36:18 Researchers have filmed embryonic hearts, and were able to observe for the first time how heart cells synchronize to beat in unison. The video is moving… even if it only concerns a zebrafish. We witness a key moment in the beginning of life: the animal’s very first heartbeat. This was observed by researchers … Read more

four regions placed in pre-epidemic phase

2023-10-05 11:47:01 Activity linked to bronchiolitis in children under two years of age continues to increase, according to the latest figures from Public Health France. Activity linked to bronchiolitis in children under two years of age continues to increase, according to the latest figures from Public Health France (SpF). Four regions of mainland France and … Read more

early increase in cases of this disease at the end of September

2023-09-28 16:24:23 Public Health France notes an early increase in activity linked to bronchiolitis, but indicates that it still remains at a “low level”. Soon the return of a bronchiolitis epidemic? According to the latest figures from Public Health France (SpF), an increase in activity “early» linked to bronchiolitis is observed. SpF indeed reports an … Read more

In India, the Nipah virus resurfaces and kills two people in Kerala

2023-09-19 12:45:17 Transmitted by bats, often fatal, this virus causes fever, vomiting and serious respiratory and neurological infections. Indian authorities launched a virological testing campaign on Thursday September 14 to stop the spread of the Nipah virus, a deadly disease already causing two deaths in the state of Kerala, in southern India. At least four … Read more

Unusual Summer Flu Cases: Surprising Increase in Severe Influenza Complications

2023-07-14 09:28:51 According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, there were 25 new cases of severe influenza complicated by influenza last week; another 8 cases died. Pediatricians remind the public to pay attention to the precursors of severe influenza. (Schematic / Pexels) according toDepartment … Read more

beware of therapeutic drifts, alerts the Order of Physicians

2023-06-27 08:16:47 The Order is concerned in a report regarding the proliferation of unconventional medical practices, which are sometimes dangerous. Aromatherapy, kinesiology, lithotherapy … Unconventional care practices, in full explosion, are neither supervised nor monitored, denounces the Order of Physicians in a report published Tuesday, alerting to “therapeutic drifts” which have become “a news of … Read more