There is still more precipitation in eastern Northwest China, northern China and other places, and the “saddle” will affect southern China

1. Weather 1. Domestic situation Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places have scattered to heavy rains:From 08:00 yesterday to 06:00 today, the overall rainfall in my country was weak, with scattered heavy rains in northeastern Qinghai, the Hetao area of ​​Inner Mongolia, northwestern Shanxi and northwestern Jiangsu, northern Shanghai, northern and eastern Zhejiang, … Read more

There is still much precipitation in western North China and other places, and the typhoon “Saddle” will affect the waters of southern my country

China News Service, August 23. According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, due to the influence of typhoon “Saddle”, from 8:00 on the 23rd to 8:00 on the 24th, there will be 7-7 A strong wind of magnitude 8, the wind force in the nearby sea area or area where the center of … Read more

Central Meteorological Observatory: The typhoon “Saddle” will affect the southern waters of my country with still heavy rainfall in the eastern part of the northwest region, northern China, western China and other places

1. Heavy rains and local heavy rains occurred in parts of Heilongjiang, Hebei, Shandong and other places High temperatures continue in the South During the daytime today, there were heavy rains in parts of northeastern Heilongjiang, southeastern Hebei, northern Shandong, southern Guangxi, and southern Yunnan. There were local heavy rains in Shuangya Mountain in Heilongjiang, … Read more

In the video .. Al-Hussaini reveals the reason for the sharp rise in heat waves in southern and central Europe

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Weather researcher “Abdulaziz Al-Hussaini” revealed, during an interview with Al-Ekhbariya channel, the reason for the extreme rise in heat waves in southern and central Europe. Al-Hussaini said, that the hot or cold waves come according to what the winds carry, and what happened in Europe was that the winds moved from the hot … Read more

Central Meteorological Observatory: The high temperature range is about to expand northward, and tropical disturbances are still brewing in the sea

The high temperature range is about to expand north Tropical disturbance still brewing at sea Since July, the southern region of my country has experienced two large-scale high-temperature heat waves. The number of high-temperature days in Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian and other places has exceeded 25 days, and many sites have broken through historical extremes. It … Read more

Typhoon “Sunda” affects the continuous high temperature in the Sichuan Basin, Jiangnan and South my country in the eastern sea area of ​​​​China

China News Service, July 31. According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, affected by “Sanda”, from 08:00 on July 31 to 08:00 on August 1, the coastal areas of Shandong, Jiangsu, most of the Yellow Sea, the northern and eastern parts of the East China Sea will be affected. There were winds of … Read more

“Meteorological Department” Bangkok thunderstorms 60 percent, warning 13 provinces of heavy rain

meteorological department weather forecast 24 hours ahead The southwest monsoon is prevailing over the North. while the southerly and southeasterly winds prevail over the northeastern, central, eastern, and southern regions, causing Thailand to remainthunderstormcan occur in some areas andsome heavy rainIn the eastern and southern regions, people in such areas should beware of the dangers … Read more

“Meteorological Department” forecasts Bangkok and surrounding areas with thunderstorms. Some heavy rain 60 percent

“meteorological department“ weather forecast 24 hours ahead The moderate southwest monsoon prevails over the Andaman Sea, Thailand and the Gulf of Thailand.Thailand hasraindecreased, but stillsome heavy rainareaCentral, Eastern andSouthwest coast Ask the people who live in the area. especially at the foothill slopes near the waterways and the marshy areas. Be aware of the dangers … Read more