Vitamin D Supplementation: The Key to Reducing Aging Symptoms and Preventing Diseases

2023-06-20 13:33:08 Vitamin D deficiency is often associated with a variety of symptoms and diseases that are often lightly attributed to “aging”, when in fact these symptoms are likely to be improved with vitamin D supplementation. Studies have found that for the elderly, vitamin D supplementation can help fight cancer, reduce the risk of dementia … Read more

Stay Cool in Libourne: Heat Wave Alert and Emergency Plan for Vulnerable Individuals

2023-06-21 09:51:45 That’s it ! June 21 marks the beginning of the summer period! And like every summer, the most fragile people are exposed to significant risks during periods of high heat. There city ​​of Libourne known. Since June 1st and until September 15th, the municipality sets up a heat wave alert and emergency planaimed … Read more

“Understanding Herpes Zoster (Shingles) and Postherpetic Neuralgia Symptoms and Treatments – Books by Hossam Al Shaqoury”

2023-05-05 03:00:00 Books – Hossam Al Shaqoury Friday, 05 May 2023 06:00 AM causes herpes Shingles is a painful rash anywhere on your body. It usually appears as a single strip of blisters that wrap around one side of your torso, or in some cases on one side of your face or neck, or around … Read more

“The Ultimate Guide to Vitamin D: Sources, Deficiencies, and Supplementation”

2023-05-03 18:02:57 Most of the vitamin D in our body must pass throughbask in the sunAfter the skin is synthesized, it needs to be exposed to the sun in moderation. (Image source: Adobe Stock) See Chinese websites prohibit the establishment of mirror sites. serum 25 hydroxyvitaminsThe serum concentration of D is clinically measuredVitamin DState standards, … Read more

“Boost Your Vitamin D: Tips and Tricks for Sun Exposure and Dietary Sources”

2023-05-03 14:15:00 Most of the vitamin D in our body must pass throughbask in the sunAfter the skin is synthesized, it needs to be exposed to the sun in moderation. (Image source: Adobe Stock) The serum concentration of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D is clinically measuredVitamin DState standards, statistics indicate that there are more than 1 billion … Read more

“Meet Abdul Qadir Bakhsh: The Elderly Pakistani Shepherd who Captured Hearts in Medina and the Prophet’s Mosque”

2023-04-30 15:10:28 Al-Marsad Newspaper: A video clip documented the moment many Pakistanis flocked to the hut in which the elderly Pakistani lived, who gained wide fame for his appearance and the way he walked in the Prophet’s Mosque and Medina, Abdul Qadir Bakhsh. And the clip explained, the Pakistani elderly, working as a shepherd, after … Read more