“President of Ukraine’s Visit to Italy: Meetings with Prime Minister, Pope Francis and President Mattarella”

2023-05-13 08:27:59 The President of Ukraine announced on Telegram that he had arrived in Italy. According to him, meetings are planned with Prime Minister George Meloni, Pope Francis and Italian President Sergio Mattarella. According to the agency ANSA, the plane with the President of Ukraine landed at Ciampino Airport in Rome at 10:13 (11:13 Moscow … Read more

“Mikhail Kotyukov appointed as acting head of Krasnoyarsk Territory: What’s next for the region?”

2023-04-20 16:04:07 The Krasnoyarsk Territory was headed by former Deputy Minister of Finance and ex-head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations Mikhail Kotyukov. The decree on his appointment as acting head of the region must be signed by President Vladimir Putin. The appointment of Kotyukov to this post was long-awaited – back in 2017, … Read more

Vladimir Putin ratifies a law criminalizing remarks discrediting volunteers in the army

The law was published on Saturday. Those convicted face up to 15 years in prison. The tightening of the law follows a call to this effect from the boss of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner, Evguéni Prigojine, close to Vladimir Putin. Wagner’s mercenaries, recruited en masse in Russian prisons, are indeed considered as voluntary workers.

Vladimir Putin’s ‘Belgian spy’ was found dead in mysterious circumstances

Vyacheslav Rovneiko, a former Russian spy and oil tycoon, has been found dead in his Moscow home at the age of 59 under mysterious circumstances. His death is considered “violent” by the Russian authorities. An investigation is opened. Some believe that his death could be linked to his business activities or his past as a … Read more

started the ceasefire ordered by Vladimir Putin for Orthodox Christmas

Against the background of the invasion of Russia, Ukraine rose to 15th place in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world. A year ago, it was ranked number 22. This is demonstrated by the rating carried out by the international company Global Firepower, which annually compiles the rating of the best armed … Read more

Vladimir Putin warns of ‘serious consequences’ if Russian oil price caps!

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday of “serious consequences” if the price of Russian oil were capped, as countries in favor of such a measure must soon announce their decision. “Such actions go against the principles of trade relations and will most likely lead to serious consequences for the global energy market,” Putin said … Read more

Britain fell into Truss – Newspaper Kommersant No. 181 (7382) of 09/30/2022

The plan of the British government led by Liz Truss to get out of the crisis not only provoked chaos in the economy of the United Kingdom and brought down the pound sterling, but also caused talk about the possible resignation of the head of government. Dissatisfaction with Mrs. Truss, who has not yet worked … Read more

Director Vladimir Krasnopolsky dies – News – Culture – Kommersant

Today, September 23, at the age of 89, director Vladimir Krasnopolsky, who shot the TV series Shadows Disappear at Noon, together with Valery Uskov, died. On the director’s death informed Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation. “We offer our condolences to the family and friends of Vladimir Arkadyevich,” the organization said in a statement. … Read more