Testimonials: Real Experiences with Intimate Area Corrections

2023-07-18 16:56:01


Posted 6 minutes ago, Just updated

“By dint of talking regarding it on the right, on the left, they ended up directing me to a specialized surgeon, who immediately offered me a lift of the perineum and vagina.” Getty Images

TESTIMONIALS – They have corrected what was complexing them in their intimate area, and give us their experience, without detour.

Alice, 33: a perineum and vagina lift

“I underwent this intervention following two deliveries, in 2017 and 2020. From the first, I had felt discomfort, especially since I had had an episiotomy”, she says, referring to this intervention which consists in incising the perineum during childbirth in order to facilitate the exit of the baby. “I felt a feeling of heaviness when walking, when exerting myself, and I had little feeling during intercourse… But I hadn’t received any advice on the subject before my second delivery. I was young, I was probably going to have other children, so “I had to get used to it”, she laments. It is following giving birth to her second child that Alice takes action. “First, my gynecologist offered me the placement of a pessary, an intravaginal device for the uterus and pelvic organs, but it was not a sufficient solution for me, at 32 years old. By dint of talking regarding it on the right, on the left, they ended up directing me to a specialized surgeon, who immediately offered me a lift of the perineum and vagina. Finally, I was going to be repaired!”, she continues.

Seeing the before/following pictures of my vagina made me realize how ‘mutilated’ I had been.

Alice, 33 ans

However, she warns: “It is an intervention to be prepared for, because the recovery time can be quite long. I am a dentist and work all day in a horseshoe-shaped chair, so for me, I had to stop for three weeks. The first postoperative week is still quite painful and I was very stressed regarding going to the bathroom for fear that the stitches would jump out. Then I did quite a few physiotherapy sessions to massage and soften the scar. It is both useful for his personal comfort and to prepare for the resumption of sexual intercourse, following two months”, she specifies. “Everything went very well but I had to get used to the sensations that I had completely forgotten since the birth of my first child. Same for my husband. I was also able to resume running and return to the pool without worrying regarding being invaded by water.

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The 30-year-old ensures that she does not “regret her choice”: “Seeing the before / following of my vagina, I realized how much I had been” mutilated “. Today, I have regained an entirely normal daily life and most importantly, my self-esteem”, she confides, encouraging those who would still hesitate to follow her example for financial reasons, because “the cost of vaginoplasty is covered by social security”.

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Daphne, 64: injections and laser

“Following the menopause, I felt very marked signs of vaginal dryness, with repeated cystitis. The reports had become really unpleasant. I had to act, but I didn’t want hormone treatment,” recalls Daphne. After a check-up visit to her dermatologist, the 60-year-old discovered the Mona Lisa laser procedure. This technology, proposed in cases of extensive dryness of the vaginal mucosa, consists of creating microlesions in this area in order to stimulate its regeneration. The procedure includes three sessions, spaced one to two months apart. “Clearly, it’s not very pleasant. You feel a tingling, which becomes very intense especially at the entrance to the vagina. But I can’t say it’s painful either,” she admits.

Everything is back to being exactly like in my youth and I was able to resume intercourse without any worries.

Daphne, 64 years old

“I started to notice the effects from the second session: better lubrication and above all less and less frequent urinary tract infections, until I no longer had any, a year later,” she rejoices, adding that sexual intercourse can be resumed regarding ten days following the process. However, she admits that she had to undergo an additional procedure, because “the treatment was not optimal”. “I always felt discomfort at the entrance to the vagina. The doctor then suggested that I supplement with an injection of Desirial hyaluronic acid, in my episiotomy scar, to soften it. According to her, the problem probably came from this zone of fragility. And indeed, it was the small gesture that was missing because following that, everything became exactly like in my youth once more and I was able to resume intercourse without any problem”, she assures, recommending “strongly these treatments despite their cost” (250 euros per laser session and 350 euros per injection, followed by one maintenance session per year for each of the interventions).

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