The Benefits of Green Tea Without Sugar: Experts reveal its impact on heart health, blood sugar control, weight loss, and more

2023-08-18 07:35:11

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Experts revealed the effect of green tea without sugar on the body, according to “WebMD” and “Very wellhealth”.

According to experts, it has been proven that consuming green tea without sugar is more beneficial for the body, as it helps:

1- Prevention of heart disease

Green tea without sugar plays a major role in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially when drinking 5 cups of it a day, because it contains antioxidant polyphenols.

3- Controlling blood sugar

Green tea is more effective in regulating blood sugar levels when prepared without the use of any sweeteners.

3- Reducing stroke

In a previous Japanese study, researchers found that drinking 4 or more cups of green tea without sugar per day reduced the risk of stroke.

4- Protect the skin from sunlight

Green tea without sugar has positive effects on skin health, as it contributes to protecting it from the damage of ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun, thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

5- Weight loss

Green tea’s ability to lose excess weight increases when it is prepared without sugar, as it is characterized by containing a very small percentage of calories, and also helps to raise the body’s fat burning rate and reduce the feeling of hunger.

6- Promoting brain health

Green tea without sugar is of great importance for brain health, as it contributes to strengthening memory, enhancing focus and increasing attention, as it contains caffeine and L-theanine acid.

7- Fighting cancer

When consuming green tea without sugar, the risk of breast cancer is reduced by 15% and colorectal cancer by 30-40%, due to its high antioxidant content.

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