The euro exchange rate slipped to a US dollar for the first time in 20 years

euros and US dollars

For the first time since October 2002, the two currencies are worth the same once more.

(Photo: dpa)

Frankfurt, New York It’s a historic date: on Tuesday morning, the euro briefly fell to par with the US dollar. The last time the common currency was this weak was almost two decades ago in 2002, shortly following its introduction as cash.

The euro has been under pressure for some time and has lost 13 US cents since the beginning of the year. Experts now fear that the weakness of the common currency will continue. “The dollar is still king,” said the currency analyst CitigroupEbrahim Rahbari.

Rahbari attributes the strength of the US currency to its function as a particularly safe asset in the global financial system and the comparatively good state of the American economy.

After parity with the US dollar, the euro rate is just above it once more

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