Commerzbank has never earned more than in 2023 2024-02-17 02:49:56

DCommerzbank achieved the best result in its company history in 2023. The bank, founded 154 years ago in Hamburg for merchants, earned 2.2 billion euros following taxes in 2023. Thanks to a profit in the fourth quarter of 395 (previous year’s quarter: 472) million euros, this is exactly as much as analysts had expected and … Read more

35 Years of Dax: A Surprising History and Bright Future

2023-06-30 17:30:24 Trading room of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in 1988 The Dax is 35 years old: Germany’s leading index Dax celebrates its birthday on June 1st. (Photo: dpa) Frankfurt Shortly before its 35th birthday, the Dax gave itself and its investors a present. With 16,427 points on June 16, it marked a new all-time … Read more

“The Latest on Commercial Real Estate: Risks and Market Trends in Stockholm and Beyond”

2023-05-12 18:02:49 Construction site in Stockholm The Swedish real estate market is coming under pressure. (Foto: Bloomberg/Getty Images) Frankfurt/Stockholm Anyone who asks supervisors and bankers these days regarding the biggest risks to financial stability will often get one answer: commercial real estate. Rising interest rates are driving up financing costs, while at the same time the … Read more

What investment experts now expect on the markets

Traders on the New York Stock Exchange Potential interest rate hikes are weighing on the markets. (Photo: IMAGO/UPI Photo) Frankfurt, Düsseldorf It’s a shock that the markets will probably need some time to digest. After the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank made it unmistakably clear at the weekend that they would continue … Read more

The euro exchange rate slipped to a US dollar for the first time in 20 years

euros and US dollars For the first time since October 2002, the two currencies are worth the same once more. (Photo: dpa) Frankfurt, New York It’s a historic date: on Tuesday morning, the euro briefly fell to par with the US dollar. The last time the common currency was this weak was almost two decades … Read more

US stock exchanges turn negative during trading – Salesforce shares buck the trend

Traders on the New York Stock Exchange The threat of an economic downturn is not over yet. (Photo: Frankfurt Encouraging corporate balance sheets only briefly lured investors back to Wall Street. The Dow Jones initially rose at the opening on Wednesday, but then turned negative and was listed at 32,850 points. Also the S&P … Read more

Attijari International Bank wins the “STP AWARD” from COMMERZBANK

Lhe “STP AWARD” instituted by Commerzbank, one of the largest nancial and banking institutions present in more than 50 countries in the world, rewards each year the leading banks which offer the best quality of service in the processing of nancial transactions and internationally, complying with international standards in terms of treatment and respect for … Read more