35 Years of Dax: A Surprising History and Bright Future

2023-06-30 17:30:24 Trading room of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in 1988 The Dax is 35 years old: Germany’s leading index Dax celebrates its birthday on June 1st. (Photo: dpa) Frankfurt Shortly before its 35th birthday, the Dax gave itself and its investors a present. With 16,427 points on June 16, it marked a new all-time … Read more

Dax continues to give way – but the US Federal Reserve and “Witches’ Sabbath” give hope for higher prices

Trading floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange The leading German index closed yesterday in the red. Prices recovered somewhat this Tuesday. (Photo: Image) Düsseldorf After four trading days in a row with significant losses, the situation on the German stock market calmed down at the start of trading. Of the Dax initially gained more than … Read more

Dax climbs up again – war is not yet priced into the market

Dax curve The leading German index had reached several new record highs in the last stock market year. (Foto: Bloomberg Creative/Getty Images [M]) Düsseldorf The mood on the German stock market is friendly once more. The Dax climbed 0.7 percent in the morning and traded at 15,142 points. On Friday, the leading German index fell 1.5 … Read more

Dax remains stable despite Ukraine conflict – gold price climbs above $1900

Dax curve The leading German index had reached several new record highs in the last stock market year. (Foto: Bloomberg Creative/Getty Images [M]) Düsseldorf The Ukraine conflict seems to be losing its influence on the German stock market as it continues. The Dax was trading at 15,264 points in the morning, unchanged from the previous day’s … Read more

Dax slips over 500 points – Ukraine conflict makes investors buy gold and government bonds

Frankfurt Stock Exchange The Dax collapsed by 2.4 percent at the start of trading. (Photo: dpa) Düsseldorf The Ukraine conflict has become the dominant topic on stock exchanges worldwide. And as is often the case in the run-up to possible military conflicts, share prices plummet. In return, the prices of the so-called safe havens such … Read more

Dax continues recovery and gives a first signal for calmer trading days

Dax curve The leading German index had reached several new record highs in the last stock market year. (Foto: Bloomberg Creative/Getty Images [M]) Düsseldorf On the German stock market, the 200-day moving average is the focus of today’s Tuesday. This average line, which is relevant for many investors, shows the long-term trend and is currently at … Read more

Dax starts the trading week in a friendly way – but the downward trend remains intact

Dax curve The leading German index had reached several new record highs in the last stock market year. (Foto: Bloomberg Creative/Getty Images [M]) Düsseldorf A counter-movement in the intact downward trend is announced on the German stock market. The Dax climbed 1.6 percent on Monday morning and traded at 15,564 points. This recovery at the start … Read more

Dax quickly slips 200 points – price potential at the end of the week is likely to be limited

Dax curve The leading German index had reached several new record highs in the last stock market year. (Foto: Bloomberg Creative/Getty Images [M]) Düsseldorf The mood on the German stock market is turning once more. After catching up the previous day, the Dax immediately gave up all of the previous day’s gains in the first hour … Read more