Wall Street starts off with losses as investors process new job data

New York Investors on Wall Street start the new stock market week cautiously. The leading indices Dow Jones and S&P 500 lose 0.3 and 0.7 percent respectively in early trading on Easter Monday. The losses in the technology-heavy Nasdaq index are even greater – minus 1.2 percent. Heavyweights like Alphabet, Apple and Tesla are showing … Read more

Short sellers make $15 billion betting against the stock

Düsseldorf The fall in the price TeslaShare is one of the biggest stories of fiscal 2022: Since the beginning of the year, shares in the electric car maker have lost almost two-thirds of their value, just before Christmas they reached their lowest level since September 2020 at $121.02. Tesla shares also fell once more in … Read more

US stock exchanges close slightly in the black – Tesla shares lose value again

Düsseldorf According to new economic data, the US stock exchanges closed slightly higher on the last trading day before Christmas. The Dow Jones index of standard values ​​closed 0.5 percent higher at 33,203 points on Friday. The tech-heavy Nasdaq advanced 0.2 percent to 10,497 points. The broad one S&P 500 increased 0.6 percent to 3844 … Read more

Powell must make clear announcements in Jackson Hole

Jerome Powell The Fed chair will deliver a well-received speech in Jackson Hole on Friday. (Foto: Bloomberg) New York, Frankfurt Rarely have the expectations of the leading monetary politicians been as high as this year. At the weekend, central bankers and economists from all over the world meet in Jackson Hole, high up in the mountains … Read more

Dax climbs up again – war is not yet priced into the market

Dax curve The leading German index had reached several new record highs in the last stock market year. (Foto: Bloomberg Creative/Getty Images [M]) Düsseldorf The mood on the German stock market is friendly once more. The Dax climbed 0.7 percent in the morning and traded at 15,142 points. On Friday, the leading German index fell 1.5 … Read more

Dax remains stable despite Ukraine conflict – gold price climbs above $1900

Dax curve The leading German index had reached several new record highs in the last stock market year. (Foto: Bloomberg Creative/Getty Images [M]) Düsseldorf The Ukraine conflict seems to be losing its influence on the German stock market as it continues. The Dax was trading at 15,264 points in the morning, unchanged from the previous day’s … Read more

Why the German market attracts gamblers

Trading floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Historically, the Dax fluctuates more than other major indices. This attracts short-term oriented professional investors. (Photo: dpa) Düsseldorf First 39 percent down, then 21 percent up: These price movements are reminiscent of gambler shares from the penny stock area, but come from the leading German index Dax. The … Read more

Dax slips over 500 points – Ukraine conflict makes investors buy gold and government bonds

Frankfurt Stock Exchange The Dax collapsed by 2.4 percent at the start of trading. (Photo: dpa) Düsseldorf The Ukraine conflict has become the dominant topic on stock exchanges worldwide. And as is often the case in the run-up to possible military conflicts, share prices plummet. In return, the prices of the so-called safe havens such … Read more