US debt could exceed 140% of GDP

Wartime shortages The fund said its annual review of the U.S. economy projects that the debt-to-GDP ratio will reach 140 percent by 2032, much higher than the current level of 120.7 percent. Such a sharp increase, driven by continued projected budget deficits in the coming years, would push the debt burden beyond previous highs reached … Read more

The West doesn’t wish to give Ukraine the frozen property of the Russian Federation. However the Kremlin gained’t return them both

The penultimate step in the direction of utilizing the Kremlin moneybox to finance the protection and reconstruction of Ukraine was taken by finance ministers and heads of central banks of the G7 at a gathering in Italy on Saturday. The assertion following the assembly stated that the West goes to grab not the property themselves, … Read more

The IMF sharply reduced its forecast for Latvia’s GDP growth for the current year

The IMF report predicts that the economy Latvia this year will grow by only 1.7%. For comparison: in October the IMF predicted that Latvia’s GDP would increase by 2.6% this year. Next year, Latvian GDP growth is planned at 2.4%. The latest forecasts say that inflation in Latvia this year and next is expected to … Read more

La Rioja: An Argentine province challenges Milei with the issuance of a bond to pay public employees

Argentina will issue once more quasi-currencies following more than two decades. The Legislature of the province of La Rioja, in the northwest of the country, approved this Wednesday the creation of the Debt Cancellation Bonus (Bocade), a financial tool that the province will use to pay a portion of the salaries of state workers. The … Read more

The central bank has repeatedly renewed MLF in excess of its quota during the year, and stock market financing has picked up | China Business Research Institute China Financial Conditions Index Weekly Report_Market_Liquidity_Currency

2023-12-20 12:24:00 Original title: The central bank renewed MLF in excess of the quota several times during the year, and stock market financing picked up | China Business Research Institute China Financial Conditions Index Weekly Report In the week from December 11 to December 15, the average value of the China Financial Conditions Daily Index … Read more

Forecasting Currency Sales and Central Bank Operations: Insights from Hard Figures Channel

2023-11-28 15:50:00 The author of the Telegram channel “Hard Figures” Rodion Latypov expects that the volume of currency sales will be regarding $100-500 million per month. Purchases within the budget rule with Urals at $71/bbl. in 2024 would amount to 1.8 trillion rubles. per year, he believes. The difference in deferred operations will amount to … Read more

Sketches of Justice: A Defiant Defendant’s Trials and Tribulations in the Brussels Courthouse

2023-11-26 09:01:00 Sarah (not her real name) walks alone, proud and insolent, into the courtroom of the Brussels Courthouse where French-speaking cases from the Hal-Vilvoorde district are being processed. Light makeup highlights her dark eyes. Nothing seems to impress him: neither the magistrates, nor the decorum, nor the procedure. “Do you know what you are … Read more

Maximizing Your Pension as a Self-Employed Individual: Benefits, Strategies, and Tax Advantages

2023-11-04 12:30:00 Today there are 2.25 million pensioners in our country: a quarter are self-employed or people who have had mixed careers. For a single person, the minimum pension on the self-employed side is 1,669.74 euros gross per month, just like for employees. And 2,086.52 euros gross if this minimum is paid for a household … Read more