Deco: “I sign to win the Champions League and for Xavi to continue at the club” | Soccer | Sports

“Today, nothing has changed,” confessed Xavi Hernández regarding his goodbye from Barcelona, ​​announced on January 27, following losing to Villarreal in Montjuïc. And Deco, sports director, the Barça entity, has already been asked “regarding ten times” regarding the coach’s departure. This is how he explained it in the program What are you playing with? from … Read more

Sketches of Justice: A Defiant Defendant’s Trials and Tribulations in the Brussels Courthouse

2023-11-26 09:01:00 Sarah (not her real name) walks alone, proud and insolent, into the courtroom of the Brussels Courthouse where French-speaking cases from the Hal-Vilvoorde district are being processed. Light makeup highlights her dark eyes. Nothing seems to impress him: neither the magistrates, nor the decorum, nor the procedure. “Do you know what you are … Read more

School Bus Stuck in West Flanders Flood: Dramatic Rescue Video

2023-11-21 10:50:08 A school bus with a child and his companion on board found himself in a very bad situation due to the heavy rains which affected West Flanders in recent days. of videos It has rained heavily in recent days in this region and many streets remain impassable, particularly in Noordschote. Despite a sign … Read more

Mouth Ulcers: Warning Signs of Oral Cancer and Dental Care Tips

2023-11-12 02:10:10 Al-Marsad newspaper: A medical study revealed that mouth ulcers are a warning sign of oral cancer. For his part, Dr. Nigel Carter, a British dentist, explained: “Ignoring dental care is one of the factors that cause mouth ulcers.” He added: “This also leads to the discovery of oral cancer at a late stage,” … Read more

Dema: Smooth Material Collection Process at 2023 Changde Liuye Lake Marathon

2023-11-11 09:06:00 Original title: Directly watching the on-site “Dema” material collection players commented that “the process was very smooth!” From November 10th to 11th, the Hunan Bank 2023 Changde Liuye Lake Marathon runners’ registration and collection of competition materials were carried out at the Liuye Lake Tourist Distribution Center Square, which means that the “Dema” … Read more

Unveiling the Hidden Signs: Abdominal Swelling as a Potential Indicator of Malignant Diseases

2023-11-06 07:54:43 Al-Marsad newspaper: Many people are unaware that abdominal swelling may be a sign of a malignant disease. According to the Verywellhealth website, symptoms of liver cancer include: 1- Abdominal swelling: Some people may feel the presence of a hard, swollen mass in the area below the rib cage on the right side. In … Read more

The Impact of OSFI’s Turnaround on Mortgage Renewals: What You Need to Know

2023-11-04 08:00:00 It’s deplorable. The situation became clearer in mid-October. “Clarify” isn’t quite the right word. We should rather speak of a “turnaround” as spectacular as it was unexpected. Because the rules might not be said to be equivocal, they were applied uniformly by the entire industry. I touched on the subject briefly in a … Read more